
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have a Wii and have had one for 3 years give or take. Aside from my daily works out it doesn't get nearly as much attention as the Xbox and I think I have figured out why. Its because there are no achievements and I love achievements, Nintendo should come out with the same kind of system as the Xbox has. I know they are two very different companies offer two different but similar products but I feel I would play my Wii a whole lot more if it has something to strive for other than just beating the game. With the Xbox I love seeing my gamer score slowly in my case go up and getting little awards it adds to the fun of fully finishing a game not that I have done that yet but I am getting there lol. Anyway thats just my two cents about it and I thought I would blog about it seeing as I don't have anything else at the moment to blog about lol. Maybe if we all got together someone somewhere would make it happen for the Wii!!!!

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