
Monday, July 11, 2011

Ace's first Camping/Beach/Fishing Trip

On July 9. Richard and I decided to go camping at his parents trailer just north of Port Albert. It's a beautiful area and I love it there minus the fact it has no running water or hydro with those too things it would be my idea of a great summer escape. It was also my first time there staying over night and I was unsure how I was going to do with the out houses because I can't even handle public washrooms in restaurants let alone an outhouse. Well Ace always does awesome in the car there has never been a problem there he normally just lays down and chills until we get to where we are going so the 2.5 hour trip is nothing to him I am very grateful for this. We get to the trailer and of course because he loves to visit other people, kids, and dogs we have to keep him chained up while we are out side. He had about 100 Ft of chain to roam and do as he wished. Explored the whole trailer site including under neath the trailer lol. So many new smell for him to check out. Before dinner seeing as he was in the car for so long we took a wonderful walk around the park about an hour or so and he was so excited by all the new stuff including the snakes lol. We had dinner and walked through the trail to the Port Albert General Store to pick up worms for fishing. Ace did wonderful on the trails walked nicely and everything I was very impressed. We relaxed for a bit and Ace helped Richard chop kindling lol I am sure help is not the work Richard would have used. I am glad that we had fires in the back yard before we ever took him camping as he knew to stay away from it. We went to the Port Albert beach which happens to at the mouth of the river where we intended to fish. Ace loved the beach he tried to chase and bite the waves as they rolled in. I did not allow him off his leash as hes not always the best at coming back lol. We got to the fishing spot after walking up the beach and there was nothing to tie him to so I tied him to myself what a bad idea in hind site lol. He thought is would be a good idea to chase the worm as I cast into the water which is not where I wanted to go. I caught a bass with in about 20 mins of being there well I tend to get a bit excited when I catch a fish and this time was no different I am not sure what Ace thought it was but before I even had it on shore he decided he needed to have it lol so I almost went into the water I turn and flung the poor fish onto the shore line Ace with all his weight pulled me over and I went ass over tea kettle on the shore lol he first sniffed and licked the fish I dont think he was so sure what to do with it at first. We went to get it and he picked it up by the tail and growled at the fish lol. Richard finally got the fish out of his mouth de-hooked and back into the water I am sure it was very traumatized lol. About 30 mins after that three dogs and their owners came down to the beach thats all great and wonderful expect for they were off leash and Ace loves dogs. We didn't stay long after that. He did great sleeping in the trailer I am so happy hes not a barker lol. With the parties, and fireworks right next to our trailer he didn't even care. I can't wait to take him on his next adventure!

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