
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hurt Hand

I may or may not be able to get the needy crocheting done for Aug due to the fact I have hurt my hand. A week ago I pinned my left hand between a metal piece and a chain that is used to open a garage door. I have done muscle, Tendent and Nerve damage. I have limited feeling in two fingers and a lot of pain when I use my hand, more so now that the swelling has come down. I go see a hand specialist in London on the 10th of Aug. It sucked for the first few days I had no use of my left hand at all and now I can use it a bit more but it hurts like the devil :S...Doing things one handed was hard, now that I have some use of my left hand with the pain it causes when I use it, it is very frustrating to say the least. In the short term I have four cakes that need to be done, crocheting for the needy that needs to be done. In the longer term I have school in about 6 weeks and it requires use of both hands. I can't wait until it heals. Until then I guess I am just going to have to make due and ask (reluctantly) for help when I need it. I hate asking for help! The ER doc said its going to be about 6 months until it fully recovers and that depends on how much I allow it to rest. I hope the specialist has better news for me. Me hating to ask for help and thinking I can do everything on my own is what got me into this guess I need to learn something here!

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