
Friday, July 29, 2011

Camerons 24 Birthday cake 2011

I was asked to create a Batman cake for our friend Cameron's birthday I said of course I would love it and it turned out awesome everyone loved it. It took me three days total not including the a trial cakes lol. I had a hurt hand and required help with this one as it is very hard to do anything one handed. I made add on cupcakes as well!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hurt Hand

I may or may not be able to get the needy crocheting done for Aug due to the fact I have hurt my hand. A week ago I pinned my left hand between a metal piece and a chain that is used to open a garage door. I have done muscle, Tendent and Nerve damage. I have limited feeling in two fingers and a lot of pain when I use my hand, more so now that the swelling has come down. I go see a hand specialist in London on the 10th of Aug. It sucked for the first few days I had no use of my left hand at all and now I can use it a bit more but it hurts like the devil :S...Doing things one handed was hard, now that I have some use of my left hand with the pain it causes when I use it, it is very frustrating to say the least. In the short term I have four cakes that need to be done, crocheting for the needy that needs to be done. In the longer term I have school in about 6 weeks and it requires use of both hands. I can't wait until it heals. Until then I guess I am just going to have to make due and ask (reluctantly) for help when I need it. I hate asking for help! The ER doc said its going to be about 6 months until it fully recovers and that depends on how much I allow it to rest. I hope the specialist has better news for me. Me hating to ask for help and thinking I can do everything on my own is what got me into this guess I need to learn something here!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bayfest 2011

Every year since bayfest first started with just one weekend of music I have been attending at that age my mom would buy me tickets and that would be my passing school gift. As time passed they created  2 weekends of music one for rock and one for country. This year the rock weekend started on Wed and went to Sunday night. I am a little more than bummed that the country weekend is just two shows. I am both a rock and country fan and I enjoy seeing most shows some I could have done without, but it would be nice if they had the same amount of bands for both weekends. Most years now my sister buys my mom and I weekend passes to see the country shows and this year Trace Adkins, and Montgomery Gentry tonight I can't wait to see Trace I love his music as its not old country its what most people call Hillbilly rock and he has a lot of funny songs such as Brown Chicken Brown Cow lol. I have already seen Montgomery Gentry because my sister won a bunch of tickets and gave some to Richard and I. Richards not a huge country fan but he doesn't seem to mind the newer stuff. Montgomery Gentry puts on a wonderful show they are fun to watch. Tomorrow night is Lady Antebellum and Geroge Cannon. Lady A is a newer group I don't know much of their music but from what I have heard from them they are pretty good. I love Geroge Cannon's music. All in all it should be a blast!
This is the full line up for country weekend bayfest: Trace Adkins, Montgomery Gentry, Lady Antebellum, Rodney Atkins, George Canyon, Aaron Pritchett, Dry County and Scott Manery

Time to get out my pink cowboy hat!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Crocheted Baby Shower gift set (Blue)

I found this wonderfully easy pattern in Crochet World Magazine I love those I get one every time a new one comes out. This pattern was so simple to follow and only took me 3 days real time and about 12 hours crochet time. The set includes 1 Large bottle cover, 1 Small bottle cover, a bib, and a burp cloth. I made this set for a friend of the family who is having a little boy with in the next month. I changed the bib a little bit I did a full one side to the other attachment as I feel with a baby/child its far easier and faster just to throw it over there neck rather than having to tie it up. I did the set in blue for the main colour and blue/white for the off colour. I hope she likes it! I am going to make a bunch of these in different colours to sell on Etsy and as gift sets.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ace's first Camping/Beach/Fishing Trip

On July 9. Richard and I decided to go camping at his parents trailer just north of Port Albert. It's a beautiful area and I love it there minus the fact it has no running water or hydro with those too things it would be my idea of a great summer escape. It was also my first time there staying over night and I was unsure how I was going to do with the out houses because I can't even handle public washrooms in restaurants let alone an outhouse. Well Ace always does awesome in the car there has never been a problem there he normally just lays down and chills until we get to where we are going so the 2.5 hour trip is nothing to him I am very grateful for this. We get to the trailer and of course because he loves to visit other people, kids, and dogs we have to keep him chained up while we are out side. He had about 100 Ft of chain to roam and do as he wished. Explored the whole trailer site including under neath the trailer lol. So many new smell for him to check out. Before dinner seeing as he was in the car for so long we took a wonderful walk around the park about an hour or so and he was so excited by all the new stuff including the snakes lol. We had dinner and walked through the trail to the Port Albert General Store to pick up worms for fishing. Ace did wonderful on the trails walked nicely and everything I was very impressed. We relaxed for a bit and Ace helped Richard chop kindling lol I am sure help is not the work Richard would have used. I am glad that we had fires in the back yard before we ever took him camping as he knew to stay away from it. We went to the Port Albert beach which happens to at the mouth of the river where we intended to fish. Ace loved the beach he tried to chase and bite the waves as they rolled in. I did not allow him off his leash as hes not always the best at coming back lol. We got to the fishing spot after walking up the beach and there was nothing to tie him to so I tied him to myself what a bad idea in hind site lol. He thought is would be a good idea to chase the worm as I cast into the water which is not where I wanted to go. I caught a bass with in about 20 mins of being there well I tend to get a bit excited when I catch a fish and this time was no different I am not sure what Ace thought it was but before I even had it on shore he decided he needed to have it lol so I almost went into the water I turn and flung the poor fish onto the shore line Ace with all his weight pulled me over and I went ass over tea kettle on the shore lol he first sniffed and licked the fish I dont think he was so sure what to do with it at first. We went to get it and he picked it up by the tail and growled at the fish lol. Richard finally got the fish out of his mouth de-hooked and back into the water I am sure it was very traumatized lol. About 30 mins after that three dogs and their owners came down to the beach thats all great and wonderful expect for they were off leash and Ace loves dogs. We didn't stay long after that. He did great sleeping in the trailer I am so happy hes not a barker lol. With the parties, and fireworks right next to our trailer he didn't even care. I can't wait to take him on his next adventure!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 2011 Crochet for the needy

So this month I did my normal stuff for the hats, scarves, and baby hats. As I was doing my final adult hat I decided to add a bit of bobbles to it and I think it turned out very nice. I plan to do with with at least one hat a month to add a touch of change to what I normally do. I find that it has been a touch "boring" doing the same things every time, epically with the scarves so next month I am going to try something completely different.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have a Wii and have had one for 3 years give or take. Aside from my daily works out it doesn't get nearly as much attention as the Xbox and I think I have figured out why. Its because there are no achievements and I love achievements, Nintendo should come out with the same kind of system as the Xbox has. I know they are two very different companies offer two different but similar products but I feel I would play my Wii a whole lot more if it has something to strive for other than just beating the game. With the Xbox I love seeing my gamer score slowly in my case go up and getting little awards it adds to the fun of fully finishing a game not that I have done that yet but I am getting there lol. Anyway thats just my two cents about it and I thought I would blog about it seeing as I don't have anything else at the moment to blog about lol. Maybe if we all got together someone somewhere would make it happen for the Wii!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


There was a time in my life not long ago when I sought perfection in everything I did from laundry to the way the house looked. I was at the point where as Richard says I was cleaning dirt that wasn't there, I wouldn't allow anyone to help me with anything I had to do everything on my own. I have no idea what I was trying to prove or to who back not so long ago. There are many things that I still expect perfection from myself such as my daily to do list's those I expect to be finished by the time Richard gets home, not every day does this happen and I don't stay up until 2-3am making sure it’s done as I have in the past. My expectations didn’t only affect me they affected everyone around me because it was not only me I expected it from. I don't refold all the drawers and closets each week, I do it twice a year now. The towels don't have to be folded to perfect rectangles; mine and Richard's jeans are not always hung lined up. I have learned that there are more important things in life than making sure my house is spotless each and every day. Our house most days is clean there are some days that I just don't have the time. If anyone comes to our home expecting to eat off my floors they have another thing coming :). I enjoy life more now than I did before. When we have company I still stress that the house is not clean enough there are many traits that did stay with me, but I have learnt to let go for the most part lol. Before I had my stroke I was the do it all person I didn't need any help just stay out of my way and let me get it done. I was mean and grumpy because I had so much to do and no one knew how to do it right so I had to do it alone and I was mad at that. I spent a lot of time mad. There are a few things that I still don't let anyone help me with such as cooking, but I am even getting better with that. I am learning to forgive myself and that its okay if it’s not done today, even though still in the back of my mind its driving me crazy at least I am trying lol. I want to enjoy the people and things in my life while I can, having the stroke made me realize and with the help of Richard and Keith lol I need to relax that it’s OKAY for me to sit and take a break. Not every day do I remember this but I am far better than I used to be that’s for sure! I wouldn't go back even for the cleanest house on the block, Yes things are out of "its place" and yes one day it will make it back to "its place" but today it’s not there and that’s okay!

You can forgive everyone around you but the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Canada Day 2011

Had an awesome Canada day! This year was my second Canada after placing my son and as I watched the fireworks I was thinking I wonder if he is watching them? This is the first year that he would be able to understand them as he was about 7 months last year and wouldn't have had a clue what was going on. I hope he enjoyed them I would have loved to have seen the look on his face as he watched them light up the sky.

This year is Ace's first Canada he was wonderful. We took him down to Canatra park for a little bit just to see how he would do with the crowds and he was awesome. There was a little girl there he had never met before and he let her hug him, play with him and everything and he just sat there. We of course didn't take him down to the fireworks as it was much hotter in the day and I know hes fine with loud noises and everything but with all the chaos I wasn't willing to set him up for what could have been failure so he stayed home and did just fine at home!

Normally every year we spend the afternoon with my mom, sister and her boyfriend and few other friends; however, this year we met up with my mom at the activities for a little bit and then seen her for a few mins at the other park but we went on Richards parents boat it was pretty cool. I enjoy going boating I can't swim and I am not a fan of water but I love boats lol. We had a blast we went out into the lake and then back into the bay to watch the fireworks. I noticed Richards dad drives the boat different when Richards mom is on it lol. The only thing that sucked was the wait to get the boat out after the fireworks. We waited about an hour and a half. But it was fun just the same I enjoyed just relaxing on the boat.

We are spending the rest of our Canada Day weekend like this: Today is going to be all day at the beach, Tomorrow is going to cleaning the house and then going to a friend of mines trailer so I can show Richard the park its awesome there I can't wait to show him!!!!