
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kinda helps

We got Ace for a couple of reasons one we wanted to get a dog, two we are animal lovers to the core and three I needed help filling the void. I love my cats but its not the same!

I love my son with all my heart and nothing is this world will ever replace him nor would I ever want to do that. Ace that is what we named the puppy his name was Jace however that is what I called my EX, Richard said we know to many Jays so we just dropped the J and now hes Ace. He is smart and loving and learning everyday which is good I might go crazy if everyday was the first few days lol. The cats still hate him however Twister wont run from him he just beats the puppy up its so funny to watch. Sanity still will not come up stairs but its going to take her a bit longer to adjust but she will get there one day!

So far he has kept me super busy which is a good thing! Between him and Len (our roommate) I dont feel lonely or scared while Richard works night shift. I can actually sleep this time a big part of it is having Len here but Ace wears me out so I am too tired to notice as much :).

The void it will always be there but it is not as empty now. Filling the void a little bit will never change the fact I think about Owen everyday or that I miss him and love him with everything I have but it helps me recover from the loss a little bit. I don't hurt as much day to day as I did before we got him.

Anyway we need to go for our morning walk and then I need to get ready for school. I hope one day this missing piece feeling lets up. Its been 16 months and somedays (they are far and few between now) I hurt so much staying in bed all day seems like a wonderful idea.
I have not gotten an update about Owen in a about a month which is odd very odd I have emailed them twice this month maybe they are just busy which is understandable between work and everything inbetween its hard to find the time. I hope I get one soon!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Puppy

So we finally did it! We got a puppy we had been talking about it for a little over a year but couldn't decide what kind to get big or small, pure breed or rescue. Well we one kinda fell into our laps. He is a 5 month old male Huskita which is 1/2 Akita  1/2 Siberian Husky. As it turns out its a pure breed all of its own. He spent his first night with us he was wonderful from the moment he got here. Hes a puppy so he still needs training but he is smart and well behaved for a puppy. He cried for the first 45 mins in his crate when it was bed time last night but then slept until we got up this morning and I took him out right away! Our cats are unhappy but Twister has met him and well his hissed and was unhappy but I feel in time they will get used to each other over time! Richard the one who was on the fence a bit about getting a dog because he was worried about me in school and the puppy needing training was the first one to call his friends and tell them we got a puppy lol and this morning was "awww your so sweet! your such a good puppy" lol so its all good lol. I am enjoying the company well Richard is at training. So far he seems to be fitting in. I am working on getting him into our sch. which so far is working out but we will see how he is well I am at school and hes home with Richard lol. On the up side this is the first time in months that I am up at 6:30AM and stayed awake lol.

I am hoping that he will fill a bit of the void I have been feeling lately worse than normal! Don't get me wrong I love my cats and wouldn't trade them for the world and they are awesome!

Anyway I am going to get dressed, Feed the puppy and take him for a walk!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Birthday Party for Keira from Aunties

Today we had a wonderful princess party for Keira. I know her birthday was Jan. 30 however Cashmere and I didn't get to attend so we threw her a party today! It had everything a princess could want and so much FUN!!! We played pin the heart on the crown, Pass the parcel, Picture BINGO, and had a pinata. We had hot dogs and chips and pop with make your own sundaes and a special princess castle cake. I had issues with the cake. I bought a Wilton Romantic Castle Cake Set got everything done and ready to go went to put it together and it was missing pieces. Can't take it back as it was already all covered in icing so she didn't get the cake I wanted to make for her but I used almost all 300 flowers I had made for it! The flowers looked awesome the cake because I had to start over last min was not even close to perfect. The cake in total took me 15+ hours kinda lost count when I got mad and had to start over at 9PM the night before! Thanks to my good friend Kristal she even had a special Princess Dress for the occasion! She opened presents and had a blast! There were prizes for all the games and Loot Bags filled to the top with stuff at least 15 things in each bag plus the stuff they got from the Pinata for each child! I had a blast doing it even if I am $350.00 lighter lol it was all worth it for the smiles from the kids! We hosted it at my sisters and decorated the basement and dinning-room!

Now I need to start planning for her brother James as he wants a special Aunties birthday too!

Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Weeks of School Left

There are only 6 weeks left of college and I am so excited. Already have tons of plans and things that need to be done around here, but the thing I am looking forward to the most is being able to have the time to travel to visit Owen. I miss him so much I haven't other than pictures been able to see him between the weather and school there just isnt enough time :(. I seen him 4 times last term at least this term is shorter well feels that way anyway and I will get to see him as much as I want for the entire summer. Well of course expect when they go to their home in Greece for 2-4 weeks :). This year he will have a lot more awareness about Greece and their summer home here in Ontario I think its going to be wonderful to see him interacting with both atmospheres. I am lucky I do not have to work in the summer I get to go into my "housewife mode" which I enjoy. Every part of me achs to see Owen :( I try not to think about it too much. I feel like such a bad "mom" because the weather and school kept getting in the way of visiting with him. I hope he hasn't forgot me :( Its hard being away from him and I don't for a second want him to think that he ever comes second in my life because he doesn't the past three months we just couldn't make a visit work for either side :(. The emails help a little, but seeing him, holding him, playing with him, and just watching him as he does his own thing nothing compares to that! I haven't gotten any new pictures this month but I am hoping I will get some after St.Patty's Day because they wear special colours/outfits on the different special days IE Valentines Day!
Just needed to get some feelings out!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sweet Pea Dress

I got this pattern out of Crochet World April 2008. Its called Sweet-pea dress. I would say it would look really cute with a pair of leggings and a white top under it. So cute!!! Took me about 8 hours crochet time and 4 days real time. I made my own bobble buttons because I hate sewing lol. The one I made will fit between 6-12 months maybe more depending on the size of the child. This was my second time making a piece of clothing the first time was the Sunny Days Dress. I am very happy with the results of both times :)

Laying flat Front

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Len and Matt's Keep Birthday Cake

Len and Matt have Birthday's one day apart and both play in the Saturday night game that Richard plays in. Well I decided they needed to have a Birthday cake and I love to bake and try out new ideas, so this cake was going to be Len's keep that seems to the focal point of the game. Well it was no easy task and I had great help from Richard in making this cake. It is in no way perfect but with practice comes great things. So it turned out okay by my standards but everyone else seemed to love it and its going up on Steve (the leader of the game) wall for things to top lol. Guess I am going to have to come up with something even better for the next Birthday in the group lol. It took me aprox. 20 hours to make and put together, a ton of fondant and alot of trial and error. I had never seen a keep before and was going off what Richard and Len thought the floor plan should be. The walls are made out of rice krispy squares not an easy feat and well didn't want to stand up long at least I got a few shots of it in with them up. I am glad everyone enjoyed it and I can't wait for my next cake adventure!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunny Days Dress

Tried a new pattern this is my first attempt at clothing. It is a little girls dress I got the pattern out of Crochet world June 2008 addition.

I used the directions for a size 2 however I feel the it is far smaller then a size two should be. It turned out very nice. The ribbon I used was just a random one I had to show how it looks finished.
Took me about 4 days real time and about 8 hours crochet time

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Crochet for the Needy

I have finished March's crocheting for the needy. As I was putting the adult hats and scarves into the huge clear recycle bag I noticed that it is almost full and that is very exciting. I use a box for the baby hats!

I changed the hat pattern I used this one and I added a border around the rim just single Crocheted. It is a very fast and easy pattern.

For the scarves I did I new pattern as well one that is my own it is also fast and easy.
With Size 10 hook
CH 100
R1: SC in second CH from hook and in each CH until end CH2 Turn
R2: Half Double Crochet in each stitch until end of Row CH3 Turn
R3: Double Crochet in each stitch until end of Row CH4 Turn
R4: Triple Crochet in each stitch until end of Row CH1 Turn
Repeat R1-R4 until its as wide as you would like I only repeated twice
Broader SC all around and three in each corner I used fuzzy yarn for this

For the baby hats I just did the same pattern as always :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blankets for the twin boys

I made two blankets the same for Noah and Jayden Cook my two favorite twin boys. I love spending time with and seeing how wonderful a mother Mindy has grown into. I have known Mindy for many many years and she is an awesome mom to those boys. Don't get me wrong Micheal is a wonderful dad as well!!! Those boys couldn't ask for better parents! I am very excited for them as they are expecting their third child I am hoping its a girl they are hoping its another boy lol. Both boys are very special, smart and lovey. They are a couple months older then my son and I think I enjoy spending time with them not just because Mindy, Micheal and they boys are great to be around, but because it helps fill a little bit of the huge hole in my soul. I hope that they continue to allow me and Richard to be a part of their lives. We both love spending time with them all!

The blankets are as identical as humanly possible and this is the pattern I used. Each blanket took approximately 5 hours each crochet time and about 1 week each normal time. It is my own pattern and I did it to fit a toddler bed or close to:

I used 6.5 hook

CH about 100 depending on the size you want

ROW 1: Single crochet in each ch to end ch 5 turn

ROW 2: Triple crochet in first stitch  1 Triple crochet in each Triple crochet stitch and CH1 stitches across the row

ROW 3: In second Single crochet * Triple crochet CH 1 and Triple crochet in same stitch skip the next two single crochets and repeat from * * to * until last stitch 1 Triple crochet in last stitch

ROW 4: In second Single crochet * Triple crochet CH 1 and Triple crochet in same stitch skip the next two single crochets and repeat from * * to * until last stitch 1 Triple crochet in last stitch

ROW5-? keep going with rows 2-4 until the blanket is the length you desire

I used two shades of blue and changed colours every 3 third row or row sets as I called them

The border I did is as follows:

ROW 1: Attach yarn to any corner 3 Single crochet in the corner. I then did 4 single crochet in each of the CH 5 spaces around the blanket and 3 in each of the corners.

ROW2: with the second colour I did 1 Single crochet in each stitch around

ROW3: With first colour I Single crocheted CH 3 Single crocheted in the same stitch I repeated this for each stitch all the way around

Fastened off and tucked all my ends in!!!

Both Blankets folded
