
Friday, September 20, 2019

My Healing Team

I really wish my healing team could talk to each other. I have a team of 6 including neurologist, family doctor, sports injury doctor, RMT, an OT lady and another lady who will be working with me on vision. Yes I can see fine it has to do with the way my brain processes sight since the last brain injury.

Here is the thing though everyone is focused on my brain which is great but when you just focus on that you tend to forget about everything else going on and don't take that stuff into account with the symptoms.

I have Complex Fibromyalgia this means I have almost all of the symptoms from the symptoms list they use to diagnose fibro.  What this translates to is, IT SUCKS!

On top of that I have another autoimmune disorder which attacks areas of my body where cartilage has been injured. What this means is when I hurt a joint IE ankle, my body acts like a termite and "eats" away the cartilage.When I told I had this at 17, I was told I would be in a wheel chair by 30, here I am 34 and still able to walk and hike and move! I am so thankful for that.

Add on to those two wonderful things I have what one doctor called a defused shoulder, another doctor called "nothing I can do about it", and one who wants the "nothing I can do about it doctor" to do exploratory surgery to fix it. My should isn't in the socket properly. I can't go back into the socket. MRIs (6 in 5 years) can't see anything because there is too much swelling.

And if that isn't all, we now know why my back hurts like it does and all it took to find out that was a car accident that caused 3 degree whiplash and an MRI to my spine. I have spinal degenerative disease. Which was exacerbated by the accident. What this means is the cushion (discs) between your vertebrae is breaking down. These discs help you with everyday movement like bending and twisting. This is normal for older people, it is advanced at my age. This is a problem. The solution for now until enough of them are gone that they can go in and fill them with something similar to spray foam is yoga. 

Now I am frustrated because the neurologist, says not to sleep during the day anymore but I don't sleep much at night because of the pain and well my brain doesn't go into what is called deep sleep, never has.

Pretty much everything added together equals a really tired, always in pain person, who is being told not to sleep during the day. 

Well after yesterdays travels and working until 10:30pm on the business it causes a flare day which means I said screw that and listened to my body. 

I am frustrated to say the least. They need to figure out how to talk to each other. I try and remember everything at every appointment but with appointments every week, I forget things. 

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