
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thomas Day Out

Day out with Thomas

Blaine loves trains and I have wanted to take him for years, but wanted to wait until he was old enough to actually enjoy and remember it. Turns out he has the best memory ever and brings up things that happened when he was 2 and can remember the whole event without help. Oddest thing ever, when he brings up things I forgot all about!

Well today is the day, we are off to ride Thomas, I got him the special package, he got a hat, a pez and a stuffy. GusGus ate the stuffy (shhhh I haven't told him yet), I can't find the Pez that he had, and currently looking for the hat as we head out the door lol. I know worlds best mom right here.

Nope! Worlds realest mom right here. Not perfect by any means and I really really hate when people try and call me that drives me nuts! No I am the same mom as everyone else, fighting daily and trying my damnest to keep up. And he spends too much time on my phone lol

 We will do this trip once more next summer so the girls get to go with us but after that we will never do it again.

There was a million people, we rush to get to our ride on time. The train was FULL, babies were crying, it was loud and crazy which means Blaine was very unhappy. We tried keeping him distracted by the things outside the train. Our saving grace was that it was a short train ride. There were some activities for the kids but not a whole lot outside, there were bounce houses and train tables inside as well as shows, Blaine wasn't interested in any of the shows and just wanted to spend the whole time in the bounce house.

Blaine enjoyed the bounce house and liked the train ride but wished it wasn't so loud.

This would be a great trip for a child big into trains that doesn't have sensory issues.

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