
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

You can make a difference everyday!

I don't care if there was sex stuff found in her journals or not, she is a women of wonderful inspiration, wisdom and hope!

I have now written this quote on card stock and placed it on the wall and each day I write on it how I have started to improve the world, even by one single act!

Every day we wake up we have the chance to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others, even from our tiny place in this giant world.

Rich or poor, living large or just getting by we each have the power of change at our finger tips!

I HATE the words "I am just one person", "You are only one person" well if every person said that nothing would ever get done, nothing would ever change and we would all be where we were when we lived in caved!

Yes you are one person, but one person can change the world I promise you that and history has shown that over and over and over again!!!!

How you can make a difference for someone else!
-Say hello
-Hold a door
-Share a snack
-Buy a coffee
-Offer a helping hand
-Give a hug

How you can make a difference for the world!
-Pick up trash on walks, while fishing, at the park
-Grow a garden
-Plant a tree
-Help with projects that support the enviroment
-Reduce Waste
-Write your local government representative on causes that you are passionate about

YOU, that one single person can do simple things to change the world, so get your arse in gear and go hold a door.

Today I made a change! Today I am using a Brita filter jug and a Brita reusable bottle instead of water bottles. This is a HUGE change for me. Yes I double filter my water. Until a week ago I went through 24 bottles of water a week, yes I recycled them but even with doing that it was still creating waste and pressure on the world. Just this full week I have saved 24 water bottles from going to land fill. I HATE tap water, wouldn't even use it to brush my teeth, double filtering it for me has allowed me to reduce waste, make a difference (even a tiny dent) in the world and still drink water that doesn't taste like ass or smell like chlorine.

One person doing something simple to make a big difference in the world!

What is your change today?

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