
Sunday, January 20, 2019

What are you reading?

Reading has always been a passion of mine, listening to audio books isn't the same and I don't retrain much of the information because it allows me to do other things while I listen so its just background noise.

I have at least 20 audiobooks in my app audiobook on my phone. I listen to it on when I am driving alone (which isn't often) and that is about the only time I actually retain any of the information I am taking in, which for me is important. I am reading to learn 90% and 10% of the time its a Jennifer Fallon book and I want to retrain that information for when I read the next book in her series.

Right now for instance I have an audio book playing in my ears while writing this in our local coffeeculture and I have 100% no idea what he is talking about other than self esteem because he has said it a million times and his tone changes when he says the word.

I used to be able to finish a book in a couple of days, and move on to the next one no issues. Since hitting my head this time and causing yet another brain injury I can barely pick up a book or find the focus to sit and read it. Today I started to read the book “The out-of-sync child has fun” this is a book I got a few months a go and wanted to read it right away to have activities to do with Blaine that would fill his buckets without driving me crazy this winter, while “winter” is here and I have just started it. I got a few pages read this time but that is the most I have read in months from a book.

My book list is still a mile long with books I want to read, need to read and should read. I am hoping after a little bit more recovery time I can get back to reading and learning new things (and hopefully retraining them).

This is my current started to read but haven't finished book list!

Girl Wash Your Face, I actually just started this one and read half the book in one sitting. It is an awesome book.

The Out-of-sync Child has fun, I am about 10 pages in on it and just can't focus on reading it.

The Myth of the spoiled child its an audiobook I have been working on forever.

What does your book list look like?

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