
Monday, November 19, 2018

If it wasn't for bad luck!

As the doctor at the hospital so kindly told me, "if it wasn't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any"
A few weeks ago the hatch let go on the back of my SUV and smacked me square in the side of my head (the same side the I feel on the concrete floor and gave myself a brain injury almost 2 years ago). I of course wait until the next hoping the I would feel better, nope that just not how things go for me. 

The hospital was fun I get there around 5pm. My head killing me, can barely stand or walk from the pain and dizziness. It takes 45 mins to get seen by triage, who kept asking me questions I didn't understand and then getting mad at me. After that they park me in a wheel chair in the waiting area. Where it is bright, loud and I want to die. I am in and out of sleep. Wanting to go home. 5 hours later I am seen by the doctor who sends me for a cat scan. They see no noticeable bleeds or fractures. He tells me its a minor brain injury, take Tylenol and go to bed. I spent 6 hours in unbearable pain for you to tell me that?

 Thank god I remember vaguely what to do from the last one. Very limited screen time, sleep when you need to, etc, etc.

I of course call my sports injury doctor and he gets me in right away. We go over everything he does a few tests on me to see where I am at. He is mad once again Sarnia hospital has let me down. He says its a serious injury and major concussion. He goes over everything I need to do and I see him again in a week. I call my family doctor....He is on vacation. I need to get into him ASAP so I can go to London to see the specialist. I finally get a hold of him and make an apt. It is for almost a month after the injury.

I wish you could see the brain injury on the outside. I wish people understood instead of just brushing it off. My family when I told them just said okay, they have no clue. My sister asked me to bake her a cake. Which I did but forgot to decorate it until the afternoon she needed it.

Things are different this time. I don't feel drunk which is nice, but the head pain and head aches are 100X's worse. I don't sleep as much as I did the first time even to the point where I can't sleep at times. I can't taste, this is hard to explain lol I can taste like thats sweet, thats sour etc but I can not taste things like the difference between one sour thing and the next. Everything tastes funny. I have zero appetite to the point I can go days without eating and not notice. My memory sucks. Looking at screens sucks. Trying to get client orders done sucks. I haven't cook since it happened because by the time dinner time comes I am spent and in the mornings I forget to put the stuff in the crock pot. Reading text on a screen is very hard and near impossible is there is a lot in one area, proof reading my blog posts is a nightmare.

Blaine is amazing like always. We had to leave gymnastics early the one day because the lights and everything going on was too much and he said it was okay. If I need to lay down for a few mins he says "its okay mom, rest your head" How is that a 4 year is more understanding and compassionate than grown people?

My to do list is 6 miles long and keeps growing. I do what I can to get through it but I need to let my brain heal, because I know when it does there will be another "new me" at the end. The last one changed me big time and this one is going to change me, again. Lol maybe I will be super hero this time around.

Time heals all including the brain. I just need to remember to slow down and let it do what it needs to.

Its been 3 weeks and some things have improved, but lots have remained the same. Like my ability to read at my normal speed and level, counting without thinking lol. Things we all take for granted and I am relearning how to do.

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