
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Week 8: Learning!

Week 8 started out just as planned and finished we me getting a severe head injury with a severe concussion yeah head injury # 2!!!

I also did get many photos because I didn't have a phone for a while as I was waiting for a new battery to come.

Blaine had a blast learning about frogs and the life cycle. Not a fan of touching anything wet and slimy but loved the learning part.

He caught on to the sight word my very quickly and now knows the sight words "see, we, my, I, can".

Blaine is learning so fast, and catching most things I throw at him. He can now tell you his name first and last, my name first and last, his age, his birth date, his dads name first and last, what city we live in, our house number and street and my phone number! The phone number is the only new one we have been working on learning the rest since he was two and as he would learn one I would add another. Learning these are so important just in case anything were to happen to him or to me.

He can count to 50, getting so much better at tracing letters and numbers, he even got wet in the water table at play group and didn't freak out.

I can't really write much on how the week went because my memory is a tad fuzzy in places. But all in all it was a good week.

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