
Monday, June 2, 2014

Horse/golf cupcakes

Last minute orders seem to be the thing to do, I don't mind going out of my way for people, but when they get upset with me because it's not perfect it annoys me, giving me two days notice for this order, then changing the time for delivery the same to an earlier time sorta have made me in more of a rush. I like to ice the cupcakes for the order the day of.

I get asked on Thursday to have these cupcakes ready for 3pm on Saturday, no problem I say, I throw together the fondant pieces and the morning of while I am getting ready to ice them, she calls and says I need to pick them up in 30 mins. GREAT!!! Well I throw the icing on, load them into her car and get on to the other 6 orders that order in a normal time frame. That evening I get an email stating "I am very disappoint, I thought the gold cupcakes were going to look like grass" well they would have looked like grass if you picked them up at 3pm like you originally had said.

This order was for 48 cupcakes 1/4 horse themed and 1/2 golf themed. For the time frame I was given they look pretty okay to me.

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