
Monday, June 2, 2014

Casi June 2012-March2014

This is something I have been avoiding blogging about, sadly in March we had to put foster dog Casi to sleep, she had been in care for almost two years. Casi came into care with her brother in June 2014 at just 5 weeks old, way too young to be away from their mother. They both were sweet as pie, Casi started to develop back end issues at about 4 months old, the vet said it was too soon to tell she might just grow out of it but is may also be something more serious. Great this sweet girl now had two strikes against her being adopted one she was black and two she had hip issues. Casi was the sweetest girl around but was protective of her bones and rarely played with the other dogs, when she did she was pretty much pouched for the day. This past winter she started to go down hill not being able to get up on the couch and other such things. She would cry when we came home from walks and not want to be touch so we reduced our walks to 20 mins tops.

We took Casi into the vet for x-rays to see what was going on, her one hip looked completely separated but it wasn't, there was severe arthritis, hip dysplasia and bone spurs. The vet said it looked very bad for her young age at this point we can keep giving her meds but she only had maybe a year left with any mobility in her back end.

About a week after we took Casi home she slipped badly and wouldn't let anyone near her, she couldn't get on the bed or couch at all and limped. She would barely get up to eat her meals and wouldn't let the other dogs anywhere near her. We had a hard decision ahead of us, it was fair for her to live in pain like that any longer. Richard took her to the vet and stayed with her while she was put to sleep. She passed away mid lick.

It broke my heart and still hurts when I think about her. This is the reality in rescue though we do whatever we can to save as many as we can but there are some that we just can't save or hard decisions have to be made. At least she lived two years loved and well taken care of.

After Casi's passing I decided to keep her brother Bossco and stop fostering for now, Jake is getting old and can't stand young dogs anymore or even really being bugged so we are going to let him live out his years in peace without the added pain in the butt fosters.

I am still very active in rescue just not fostering, there are many ways to help and fostering is a big one but still only one.

Casi's kick name was pretty miss and she sure lived up to it, loving being groomed all the time and lovins from kids and people she knew, although she was very timid of other dogs and adults.

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