
Monday, July 30, 2012

Annie Foster Dog Number 13

I know I said I would never foster another lab after Dexter lol but when a dog is in need I can not close my doors and my heart to them.
This is Annie she is from the Wallaceburg Shelter Annie was found wandering through the Wallaceburg cemetery alone, lost and scare. She is between 1-2 years old. She is a sweet pea. I picked Annie up from the Shelter on July 24, 2012. They thought she might be pregnant and that is no place for a mom or babies to be. I offered to foster her until all the pups and herself was adopted. When I took her to my vet he did an ultra sound. She is not pregnant which is wonderful news! She is what is called sudo pregnant her hormones are telling her that she is. When I picked her up from the shelter it took about 15 mins for my sister and I to get her into the car she was so scared. I introduced her to my personal dogs she is not a fan of my Akita Husky, but he is hyper and just wants to play all the time lol. It took me and my roommate and his 8 year old son 25 mins into get her to come into the house she was so scared. She appears to be house trained, but she needs work on her manners lol which will come with time. She's quite so far.
July 25, 2012 I left the crate set up for her last night with blankets in it. I did not force her to go in when I went to bed I just left it open. She started out on the floor next to me and at 1am she was sleeping in the crate on her own. This morning she is very playful her and Jake are best friends and playing. The crate is her safe spot so I will leave it set up for her. She did not mess in the house once last night!
July 28, 2012 Annie is doing well. She is not eating like she is starving anymore. She finally is playing with my Akita/Husky lol. She hides all the bones in her crate and then buries them so the other dogs can't get them. She loves chewing raw hides and meaty bones; however, she seems to get snarly with my Akita/husky when he goes near her if she has one, but allows the rotti/st.Bearnard to just take it and walk away. She is learning her place in the "pack" and is starting to sit for pets instead of jumping up and down all over you. She knows Sit now and we are working on laying down. She has a bit of separation anxiety, I tired to crate her when I left for an hour and when I came home the crate was on the other side of the room and the door all bent open. When left out of the crate she gets into things she shouldn't but it will take time to work on that.

Annie is looking for a loving patient forever home and I truly hope she finds her right match, until then we are going to work on manners and commands. She is smart and a fast learner.

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