
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Baby Hats for Sarnia Hospital

I just finished 100 crocheted baby hats for the Sarnia Maternity ward. I decided to do this when I had my son because his head was very large they had a heck of a time trying to find a hat that would fit his head. So I decided that I needed to do something about that. Within the 100 hats I have crocheted there are Preemie, normal sized and then large ones lol that would have fit my sons head. Our hospital is always in need of things for new moms so I figured this would help. When I was in the hospital I had bought new born diapers (how silly was that lol) they were way too small for him so I donated them along with the formula I had brought with me. The nurse when came and picked them up from my room was so grateful she had tears in her eyes. She said she would make sure the items got to someone who needed them. I truly hope that those items helped someone else.

I got to about 90 hats and I ran out of scrap yarn so I posted on a facebook site called mommy market and asked if anyone has scrap yarn or odd balls that I could buy for these baby hats. Two women stepped forward and "donated" two large bags of odd yarn. I am so grateful to these women for helping me reach my goal. I plan to do 100 baby hats for the London hospital as well. Each year I will give each hospital 100 hats to keep their supply up!

Hats for the hospital

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