
Friday, July 13, 2012

Abandoned dog.

Today there was a posting on facebook that a women saw a person opening their car door, letting a small white dog out of the car and driving away. So me being the way I am got into my car and drove the 20 min drive to Petrolia to find this little guy. Took me almost two hours but I found him. He had gone back to his home. He had no collar, was hot, there was no food, no water, no fenced in yard, and no shelter from the heat. He was just in the drive way scared and hot. I brought him into my car and took him home. I talked to the neighbors and left my name and number. From what the neighbor had said to me was that the dog got out this morning the owner called it a few times it never came back and she left. The small white dog is skinny, and scared. He is extremely timid around men. I took him to my vet to check and see if had been micro chipped and he is not. The vet tech said his front left leg has an injury that was not taken care of that is why he favors it and why it is turned out to the side, it looks very painful.  I don't understand how a person could do that to an animal. As per Ontario's Law the dog has to be kept for 72 hours before he can be placed up for adoption. Right now he is in a foster home with two little doggy friends and is loving playing with them. I would have kept him here with me but he kept snapping and growling at Jake and I didn't want to risk Jake hurting him my accident. Him and Ace got along just fine lol.

If the owner(s) comes forward to claim him, the owners information will be given to the OSPCA and Sarnia police so it can be investigated.

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