
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wendy Hughes

On March 9, 2012 Richards mom Wendy Hughes pasted away. It was a very sad time for many of us. Richard and his father flew home right away.

Richard was only home a week and headed back to Regina to work and it was easier to deal with his grief on his own. Richards dad stayed here to take care of things.

I knew Wendy for 12 years give or take, we had our ups and downs since Richard and I got together 5 years ago. She was a very free spirited women, who loved her garden and people. She loved to entertain every chance she got. She was not the greatest cook in the world and we joked around about it all the time.

Wendy was an alcoholic with a difficult past as many who suffer alcoholism have to deal with. She had her battles and never attended AA she "stopped" drinking for many years. She become what those in the AA world call a dry drunk. Once Richards father went away for work she started to drink openly again it was hard on everyone to see her once again going down that road. Her drinking again and not seeking the help she needed is what caused her death.

We all have our demons and we have our vices, but I just wish those who needed help the most could see that and seek the help out!

We are very sorry to have lost a women such as Wendy and she will always be in our hearts and memories!

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