
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Miscarriage #2

So on March 29th I miscarried once again this is the second time since New Years. I knew that getting pregnant before the 3 months that they recommend would be a risk; however, Dr. Pressy said once they hear the heart beat on the ultra sound the chances of miscarriage are greatly reduced.

I was in a lot of pain and had a lot of bleeding so I went to the hospital I spent that day in the ER and they did an ultra sound the tech found no heart beat. I cried almost the whole day I was a mess. The ER doc said that baby stopped growing at nine weeks and they believe died a few days before I had gone in. They said it was nothing I had done or could have done to stop it. There was a problem with the fetus. Seeing as it was only my second miscarriage she said they don't investigate, but said that I might want to have my autoimmune disease looked at as it could be the cause and I may require special shots or meds so a baby can grow.

They said I would not be able to miscarry naturally as I had a completely closed cervix so I had two choices they could induce natural labor which could take hours and in the end they might still have to do the D&C, or just have a D&C done, I decided to have just the D&C done. So I had a full D&C things went "okay" I had to stay the night at the hospital. I went home the next day after pretty much begging them to release me. I was a mess and just wanted to go home.

Need less to say March was one hell of a month. It took me a long time to "get over" losing this child. I was so excited to be a mom.

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