
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trip to Regina!!

Before I even left for this trip I was worried. I didn't want to leave the dogs home. I thought they would miss me. I was scared something would happen to them while I was gone. This was my biggest fear of the whole trip lol the thought of driving cross country didn't even phase me.

Well my trip was rushed on the way there lol. We left at 5am on the Wed and had to be at the Regina bus depot by 7pm on the Thurs so Jer could catch the bus. We did make it on time, but the first day I drove 20 hours without sleep lol and next day I drove 15 hours. It was a long couple of days.

I don't know why they say that Saskatchewan is so flat I think that Manitoba is far flatter lol. Northern Ontario was beautiful to drive through the views were awesome. Driving the road sucked lol took a lot longer than I thought it would. There was nothing to look at driving through Manitoba I am glad that was a fast drive lol. And not much to look at driving from the Manitoba boarder to Regina either lol.

The visit there was awesome so many things to look at and take pictures of lol I took 766 pictures in total. I would never want to live in Regina though to much like Toronto or Ottawa and I like smaller cities. The lake in the middle of he city is awesome the entire time I was thinking the dogs would love this walk lol. People were so nice their and seemed far more relaxed then those here at home. Even their geese were happier lol.

I love these little dudes they are so cute!!!
The drive home was something else lol I took it easier and it took from Monday morning at 10am when I picked Jer up from the bus station until Wed night at about 11pm to get home. I got a few pictures on the way home of some of the views in Northern Ontario. It was beautiful as always!
Northern Ontario

When I got home I was so excited to see my doggies, they on the other hand could have cared less for about an hour lol they wouldn't even come near me they were so mad at me for leaving. After that they didn't leave my side and the next day when I left to go shopping they lost it thinking I wasn't coming back. It took 3 days of me coming in and out for them to realize I was coming back every time.

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