
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dexter got his forever home!

Well its about time lol. Dexter has been in care since Nov 2011 he was three months old and 25lbs when he came into care. He had a few people interested in him, but no one really wanted to take the time needed to work with an active Lab puppy. So he continued to stay in care until a man with many many years Lab experience came along. He was very interested in Dexter. So after the long adoption approval process Dexter was going to get his very own forever home!

On May 5, 2012 Dexter's trip was done in "legs" mine was the first part I took him to Cambridge were I met to super nice ladies, turns out they are a cat rescue lol and just got into transporting dogs. They were taking him to Kingston and from there is was headed to his last stop, his forever home.
He is normally very good on trips in the car but this time he was acting funny and wanted to be as close to me as possible, almost like he knew we were saying goodbye.

It was  a lot harder than I had thought saying goodbye to Dexter, I guess after 7 months in care you kind of get attached. Don't get me wrong I am happy he has his forever home and I can't wait for updates on how he is doing!

When Dexter left care he was almost 10 months old and 85 lbs and taller than you would think lol.

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