
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Before I started to foster!

So as I was cleaning the wonderful doggy nose art (snots) off my windows and wondering how they could have gotten it there, I thought I should have taken stock in Windex and Paper Towels when I started to foster rescues. When I thought of this I started to think of other things I should have taken stock in lol here’s my list. And no I did not make this list because I have too much time on my hands, I did this because shelters and rescues need these items every day. Many do not ask for the little things, but every little bit helps!
Puppy Pee pads: When I had the three puppies on man I was changing them almost every two hours.

Paper Towel: Awesome when you have puppy messes, when an untrained adult comes into care or when you get woken up at 3:00am to one of them puking.

Laundry soap: I do about a load of laundry every day, when I had the puppies and they were learning how to get on the couch someone always peed lol. When Jake first came in he needed to pee on everything. Sexy Dexy had this wonderful habit of stepping in his own poop and climbing on my bed or the couch.

Old blankets and sheets: They make awesome doggy beds for those dogs that rip apart their beds (Ace) and for covering the car seats when transporting a furry friend.

Bleach: This and Pinesol is my best friend I use it to clean almost everything floors, walls etc. He helps cut down the doggy stinky smell.

Toys: Mainly without stuffing as this is a wonderful mess to clean up and if eaten and not pooped out can get wrapped around intestines.

Leashes/Collars: Leashes and collars every dog needs one of each.

There are so many items that every rescue/shelter needs these are just a few that I was thinking about while cleaning windows. If you are not sure what to give just ask your local shelter or rescue. No Kill shelters and rescues tend to be most at risk keep this in mind when your helping.

I personally buy all items expect for food, leashes, and collars for my foster dogs out of pocket. The food, leashes and collars come from within the rescue through donations. Let’s just say Costco is my best friend when I have multiple dogs lol J

If possible the most important thing that anyone can donate is your time to volunteer or even better open your home and heart to a foster dog!

Thank you to everyone who helps each of you are helping to save just one more.

Making more nose art for me lol

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