
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trip to Regina!!

Before I even left for this trip I was worried. I didn't want to leave the dogs home. I thought they would miss me. I was scared something would happen to them while I was gone. This was my biggest fear of the whole trip lol the thought of driving cross country didn't even phase me.

Well my trip was rushed on the way there lol. We left at 5am on the Wed and had to be at the Regina bus depot by 7pm on the Thurs so Jer could catch the bus. We did make it on time, but the first day I drove 20 hours without sleep lol and next day I drove 15 hours. It was a long couple of days.

I don't know why they say that Saskatchewan is so flat I think that Manitoba is far flatter lol. Northern Ontario was beautiful to drive through the views were awesome. Driving the road sucked lol took a lot longer than I thought it would. There was nothing to look at driving through Manitoba I am glad that was a fast drive lol. And not much to look at driving from the Manitoba boarder to Regina either lol.

The visit there was awesome so many things to look at and take pictures of lol I took 766 pictures in total. I would never want to live in Regina though to much like Toronto or Ottawa and I like smaller cities. The lake in the middle of he city is awesome the entire time I was thinking the dogs would love this walk lol. People were so nice their and seemed far more relaxed then those here at home. Even their geese were happier lol.

I love these little dudes they are so cute!!!
The drive home was something else lol I took it easier and it took from Monday morning at 10am when I picked Jer up from the bus station until Wed night at about 11pm to get home. I got a few pictures on the way home of some of the views in Northern Ontario. It was beautiful as always!
Northern Ontario

When I got home I was so excited to see my doggies, they on the other hand could have cared less for about an hour lol they wouldn't even come near me they were so mad at me for leaving. After that they didn't leave my side and the next day when I left to go shopping they lost it thinking I wasn't coming back. It took 3 days of me coming in and out for them to realize I was coming back every time.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Birthmothers Day update from Owen 2012

Well I got a wonderful card in the mail with pictures and update on Owen just a few days before Birthmoms day. He is doing awesome and they can't wait for another visit, neither can I :). He can count to 14, say all of his ABC's and  he can recognize the letter N on paper.

He is learning Greek and can say all the colours as well as "I love you" I am so proud of him!!!

He had his first "school" pictures as they do picture day in his daycare. He normally loves to have his pictures taken and loves the camera, but this time he wanted to be behind the camera checking out how it works and everything. In the pictures I noticed he is starting to have more of my features he has my smile and my eye lashes and shape.

I can't wait to go for another visit I love seeing and its great that he gets so excited to see me!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Before I started to foster!

So as I was cleaning the wonderful doggy nose art (snots) off my windows and wondering how they could have gotten it there, I thought I should have taken stock in Windex and Paper Towels when I started to foster rescues. When I thought of this I started to think of other things I should have taken stock in lol here’s my list. And no I did not make this list because I have too much time on my hands, I did this because shelters and rescues need these items every day. Many do not ask for the little things, but every little bit helps!
Puppy Pee pads: When I had the three puppies on man I was changing them almost every two hours.

Paper Towel: Awesome when you have puppy messes, when an untrained adult comes into care or when you get woken up at 3:00am to one of them puking.

Laundry soap: I do about a load of laundry every day, when I had the puppies and they were learning how to get on the couch someone always peed lol. When Jake first came in he needed to pee on everything. Sexy Dexy had this wonderful habit of stepping in his own poop and climbing on my bed or the couch.

Old blankets and sheets: They make awesome doggy beds for those dogs that rip apart their beds (Ace) and for covering the car seats when transporting a furry friend.

Bleach: This and Pinesol is my best friend I use it to clean almost everything floors, walls etc. He helps cut down the doggy stinky smell.

Toys: Mainly without stuffing as this is a wonderful mess to clean up and if eaten and not pooped out can get wrapped around intestines.

Leashes/Collars: Leashes and collars every dog needs one of each.

There are so many items that every rescue/shelter needs these are just a few that I was thinking about while cleaning windows. If you are not sure what to give just ask your local shelter or rescue. No Kill shelters and rescues tend to be most at risk keep this in mind when your helping.

I personally buy all items expect for food, leashes, and collars for my foster dogs out of pocket. The food, leashes and collars come from within the rescue through donations. Let’s just say Costco is my best friend when I have multiple dogs lol J

If possible the most important thing that anyone can donate is your time to volunteer or even better open your home and heart to a foster dog!

Thank you to everyone who helps each of you are helping to save just one more.

Making more nose art for me lol

Dexter got his forever home!

Well its about time lol. Dexter has been in care since Nov 2011 he was three months old and 25lbs when he came into care. He had a few people interested in him, but no one really wanted to take the time needed to work with an active Lab puppy. So he continued to stay in care until a man with many many years Lab experience came along. He was very interested in Dexter. So after the long adoption approval process Dexter was going to get his very own forever home!

On May 5, 2012 Dexter's trip was done in "legs" mine was the first part I took him to Cambridge were I met to super nice ladies, turns out they are a cat rescue lol and just got into transporting dogs. They were taking him to Kingston and from there is was headed to his last stop, his forever home.
He is normally very good on trips in the car but this time he was acting funny and wanted to be as close to me as possible, almost like he knew we were saying goodbye.

It was  a lot harder than I had thought saying goodbye to Dexter, I guess after 7 months in care you kind of get attached. Don't get me wrong I am happy he has his forever home and I can't wait for updates on how he is doing!

When Dexter left care he was almost 10 months old and 85 lbs and taller than you would think lol.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Miscarriage #2

So on March 29th I miscarried once again this is the second time since New Years. I knew that getting pregnant before the 3 months that they recommend would be a risk; however, Dr. Pressy said once they hear the heart beat on the ultra sound the chances of miscarriage are greatly reduced.

I was in a lot of pain and had a lot of bleeding so I went to the hospital I spent that day in the ER and they did an ultra sound the tech found no heart beat. I cried almost the whole day I was a mess. The ER doc said that baby stopped growing at nine weeks and they believe died a few days before I had gone in. They said it was nothing I had done or could have done to stop it. There was a problem with the fetus. Seeing as it was only my second miscarriage she said they don't investigate, but said that I might want to have my autoimmune disease looked at as it could be the cause and I may require special shots or meds so a baby can grow.

They said I would not be able to miscarry naturally as I had a completely closed cervix so I had two choices they could induce natural labor which could take hours and in the end they might still have to do the D&C, or just have a D&C done, I decided to have just the D&C done. So I had a full D&C things went "okay" I had to stay the night at the hospital. I went home the next day after pretty much begging them to release me. I was a mess and just wanted to go home.

Need less to say March was one hell of a month. It took me a long time to "get over" losing this child. I was so excited to be a mom.

Wendy Hughes

On March 9, 2012 Richards mom Wendy Hughes pasted away. It was a very sad time for many of us. Richard and his father flew home right away.

Richard was only home a week and headed back to Regina to work and it was easier to deal with his grief on his own. Richards dad stayed here to take care of things.

I knew Wendy for 12 years give or take, we had our ups and downs since Richard and I got together 5 years ago. She was a very free spirited women, who loved her garden and people. She loved to entertain every chance she got. She was not the greatest cook in the world and we joked around about it all the time.

Wendy was an alcoholic with a difficult past as many who suffer alcoholism have to deal with. She had her battles and never attended AA she "stopped" drinking for many years. She become what those in the AA world call a dry drunk. Once Richards father went away for work she started to drink openly again it was hard on everyone to see her once again going down that road. Her drinking again and not seeking the help she needed is what caused her death.

We all have our demons and we have our vices, but I just wish those who needed help the most could see that and seek the help out!

We are very sorry to have lost a women such as Wendy and she will always be in our hearts and memories!