
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dinner Convo at our house.....

Len starts talking about how homemade corn dogs are not pogos, like all fingers are not thumbs but all thumbs are fingers and then Keith explains that the bone structures of thumb makes it not a finger in fact and then there was a wiki war and then Len says to Keith " I'll Finger you!!!" Keith says " I don't think so" Kandace say's she "wouldn't be very happy about that either" Keith says " I don't think you really feel that way about that" Kandace say "TMI" Lem says "whats TMI?" Keith explains that it means to much information. Then they start talking about weather or not Mexico is part of North American or not and Keith brings up a picture of North America which seems to include Green Land. I said Hey so now North America now includes Green Land and he said yes because its special..... Wow what a conversation night!!!! Then it went on to how the United States came to "buy" Alaska....Next time I am going to record it so much better lol

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