
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

New year, new homeschool plan!

 We homeschool all year round which means that September means not much around here.

For me, it means I start planning homeschool trips and activities for the kids with the other homeschool parents. Last year Covid put a huge damper on any trips that we were going to take. This year Covid is still putting a damper on things for a few reasons.

1) Limiting the number of people we can have on each trip which means less of a discount for those who are attending. Some we had to even do as individual families because many of the families were too large to even group with another family.

2) With the vaccine passport up in the air we are not even sure when the trip time comes around that those who are signed up to go can go because if they are not vaccinated and they put the passport into place then they can't come most are paid for ahead of time.

What that means for this year is that we are taking things slow when planning trips.

With Sept 7 comes the "Not Back To School Homeschool Picnic"
This year I was shocked the number of parents and children has tripled compared to 2019. It was amazing! My kids even made new friends and I made a new friend too lol.

We have a couple of trips planned and are working on planning more but slowly. I will like always, post about our trips.

I like to think in my head that all my plans are going to work out for homeschooling and we are going to learn all the things but not always is that the case because well, kids. If it wasn't for them the homeschool plans would go off without a hitch LOL!

Like all homeschool moms, I have in my head these plans and ideas but not always are they what the kids want and what they want to learn and do comes first because after all, it is their schooling, not mine.

I wish you all an amazing school year be it in the classroom, virtual or fully homeschool!  I am excited about what this year is going to bring.

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