
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Silly Putty

Blaine loves silly putty and the worst thing that has ever happened was that he left some of it on the futon and well now its there forever.

Yesterday he shared his silly putty with the girls. That is so kind of him!!!

Now keep in mind he has long hair and the only thing that has happened with his long hair is that he has gotten it stuck in race cars spinning wheels. He has very thick hair so it is not so bad when a few strands are left behind in the cars wheel. The girls have very fine hair and not much of it

Conversation as follows with the oldest girl (Almost 7)
While I am trying to get everyone ready to head out the door.

L: ummmm I have silly putting stuck in my hair!
Me: How on earth did that happen?
L: I don't know. It was playing with it and then it just happened when C(middle girl) scared me
Me: You don't know how you got a giant glob of silly putty from your hand to your hair?
L: Are you going to have to cut my hair.?
Me: SIGH No, I will ask the moms group what has worked for them.
Connely: Googles it. Coconut oil.
Me: Of course coconut oil! It fixes everything just ask the mom's group. I have a giant jar in the cupboard I will do it when we get back.

I use coconut oil for the dogs a lot I don't use for much else. I didn't even think of it for silly putty, but I also never thought I would have to get silly putty out of hair.

That night before bathes I worked on L's hair I was worried that it wasn't going to work and I would have to as gently as I could pull it out of her hair.

I sit down and open the coconut oil Bossco steals the lid because he loves the stuff. L starts to tell him no I said its okay, its good for dogs too. I rub the coconut oil in, L says it smells good. I slowing start to comb parts the hair with smaller amounts of silly putty and its coming out!!! No hair is coming with it!

As I work my way to the giant glob of silly putty it is all coming out with very little effort and very little hair loss. The glob takes a little bit of hair with it but not much at all.

Something in the coconut oil broke down the silly putty and it just slid out! No cutting of hair, no screaming that it hurts, just EASY!!!

So if your children are ever normal children and get silly putty in their hair give good old coconut oil a try!

I would try it on the futon too but its been on there for months and has become one with the cover lol.

What is the strangest thing your child has ever gotten in their hair?

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