
Monday, February 24, 2020

Breakfast: Oven Eggs!

A hardy breakfast before school allow children to focus on school and not the hunger they are feeling. This is why breakfast programs are so very important. Every time a store asks me to donate to a food program for the schools I do! These programs help children who would other wise not get food in morning have their bellies filled so they can focus on what is important, Learning!

In the past I have made freezer breakfast burritos and they were a huge hit with the adults because they could just grab and go. This time I made breakfast sandwiches like you would get at Mcdonalds and egg cups like you similar to what you would find at Tim Hortons.

Save money, Time and calories by making breakfast for the whole week in one go!

My plan was also to do the hard boiled eggs this way too, however this didn't go as planned and I will have to play round with time in the oven in order to do them like that regularly.

I used my 24 cupcake pan so I could do them all at once and they would be done!

Egg Cups:

8 Eggs
1/4 Onion
1/4 Green Pepper
Handful of cheese
Pam or other non-stick spray
1/4 Milk- adjust as needed I just eye ball this
2 Mushrooms

You can add your own favourite flavours

How To:

1) Preheat oven to 350°
2) Spray your muffin tin with non-stick spray
3) Fill each spot over 1/2 full (I didn't fill mine full enough, I am going to fill my to almost full next time)
4) Bake in oven for 20 Minutes

***Check for gooyness and cook longer if needed***

Egg Sandwiches:

8 Eggs
Non-stick spray
8 English Muffins
8 Slices of Cheese

How To:

1) Preheat oven to 350°
2) Spray your muffin tin with non-spray
3) Fill 8 muffin spots with an 1 egg
4) Bake for 20 minutes

***Check for gooyness and cook longer if needed***
5) Cut English muffins
6) Toast English muffins
7) Put a slice of cheese on each English muffin
8) Put an egg on each English muffin.

Once everything has cooled its time to get them packaged for the freezer.

What you need: 

Freezer bags
Plastic wrap

How To:

1) Wrap each egg sandwich in plastic wrap
2) Place all egg sandwiches in the freezer bag
3) Label the freezer bag
4) I wrapped 2 egg cups together in the plastic wrap
5) Place egg cups in a freezer bag
6) Label the freezer bag

How to eat and enjoy!

1) Remove plastic wrap.
2) Heat in either microwave or toaster
3) Enjoy

***Egg sandwiches take longer to heat. I take them out while I am getting everyone ready and then defrost for 1min then toast.

Time saving break down:

 1.5 Hours on a Sunday and then its only 5 minutes in the morning on a weekday

Money saving break down:

 Egg sandwiches cost .54 cents each to make at home
 Egg sandwiches cost $3.99+tax (or more) to buy
Savings of: $3.97

The kids love the egg sandwiches as much as the adults! So good and so easy! Freezer meals to the rescue again.

What is your favourite breakfast meal? Can you make it on the weekend, freeze it and have it the rest of the week?

 I did try to do hard boiled eggs this way as well to use for egg salad sandwiches and for just hard boiled eggs, but I ended up with rubbery eggs so until I perfect this method I wont be using it for those.

I do make 8 hard boiled eggs on Sundays. I use 4 to make egg salad and 4 to just have for the kids lunch or for me to grab and go during the day!


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