
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Keira's 8th birthday

I LOVE hosting the kids parties they are so much fun. This year Keira decided she wanted to have her party at the YMCA. The kids had a blast, I wasn't overly happy with the rushed feeling in the party room. I felt like the whole time I was hurrying the kids along, but it was a lot better than her party at Hi-Way Bowl last year.

The employees who were in the gym with the kids were awesome even was playing and chasing them.

Keira had a great time other than he was upset she didn't get a treat bag, I tried explaining they were thank you bags for the guest for coming to her party and giving her gifts, she didn't get it.

She picked once again Hello Kitty, my first thought was great same theme as last year what on earth am I going to do for a cake. I came up with something very simple. The top tier was chocolate, bottom was vanilla with edible images and fondant decals. I wasn't a huge fan on the way the cake turned out but all the kids enjoyed it, well not Keira as she doesn't like cake and didn't try any lol.

We spent an hour in the gym and 45 mins in the party room. We had pizza, cake and opened presents.


  1. I think the cake turned out great. :)

    1. Thanks Elle the kids did to, I just wants a fan her cake I did the year before was way better but I didn't want to do the same cake two years in a row lol
