
Monday, July 30, 2012

Annie Foster Dog Number 13

I know I said I would never foster another lab after Dexter lol but when a dog is in need I can not close my doors and my heart to them.
This is Annie she is from the Wallaceburg Shelter Annie was found wandering through the Wallaceburg cemetery alone, lost and scare. She is between 1-2 years old. She is a sweet pea. I picked Annie up from the Shelter on July 24, 2012. They thought she might be pregnant and that is no place for a mom or babies to be. I offered to foster her until all the pups and herself was adopted. When I took her to my vet he did an ultra sound. She is not pregnant which is wonderful news! She is what is called sudo pregnant her hormones are telling her that she is. When I picked her up from the shelter it took about 15 mins for my sister and I to get her into the car she was so scared. I introduced her to my personal dogs she is not a fan of my Akita Husky, but he is hyper and just wants to play all the time lol. It took me and my roommate and his 8 year old son 25 mins into get her to come into the house she was so scared. She appears to be house trained, but she needs work on her manners lol which will come with time. She's quite so far.
July 25, 2012 I left the crate set up for her last night with blankets in it. I did not force her to go in when I went to bed I just left it open. She started out on the floor next to me and at 1am she was sleeping in the crate on her own. This morning she is very playful her and Jake are best friends and playing. The crate is her safe spot so I will leave it set up for her. She did not mess in the house once last night!
July 28, 2012 Annie is doing well. She is not eating like she is starving anymore. She finally is playing with my Akita/Husky lol. She hides all the bones in her crate and then buries them so the other dogs can't get them. She loves chewing raw hides and meaty bones; however, she seems to get snarly with my Akita/husky when he goes near her if she has one, but allows the rotti/st.Bearnard to just take it and walk away. She is learning her place in the "pack" and is starting to sit for pets instead of jumping up and down all over you. She knows Sit now and we are working on laying down. She has a bit of separation anxiety, I tired to crate her when I left for an hour and when I came home the crate was on the other side of the room and the door all bent open. When left out of the crate she gets into things she shouldn't but it will take time to work on that.

Annie is looking for a loving patient forever home and I truly hope she finds her right match, until then we are going to work on manners and commands. She is smart and a fast learner.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jagger Foster Dog # 12

Jagger is a 1-2 year old male Akita/Chow/mix. He is nudered. Jagger was found on the side of Courtright Line between Alvingston and Glenco about 4 weeks ago. A family took him in and tried to find his family for 3 weeks. The women ended up losing her job and was unable to keep him so she contacted Michelle at MOTS to see if she had room for him. I went and picked him up near Glenco, he could do to add a few pounds, but he was a happy lovey boy. He did awesome in the car on the way home. I introduced him to my dogs and they got along okay. He was not a fan of Jake, but they got along. Jagger, like most strays/abused animals had resource guarding with food, treats, and even people. He ate like he was starving. He is a fast learner and house trained for the most part. He has really bad separation anxiety. Saturday morning when I woke up there was little white worms coming out of him bum poor dude. I got him into my vet right away and got him treated. He did very well at the vets office lol other than he wouldn't walk in the door because there was a cat sitting there lol. Then he got attacked by another cat there because the cat didn't want his bum sniffed lol. He is a good walker and is higher energy so needs at least one daily walk. He knows sit and shake a paw. He is very pack orientated. Monday morning Michelle decided that she wanted to take Jagger to her house to continue his fostering, so I will post once he has been adopted, but he is no longer my foster baby.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Abandoned dog: Owners found

Photo was taken four hours after his rescue.
I do not like this one bit, and neither would you if you read his story and met him. Chevy is his name, I got three different stories from the owners. I got accused of stealing their dog; which I didn't do, I rescued a dog that was abandoned on the side of the road and attempted to find the owners. I am disappointed to say that because the way our laws state I have to take the dog to the "rightful" owners because he was claimed within the 72 hour window. All I can do is submit an abuse report with the OSPCA and Sarnia Police. I can encourage them to put a collar on him, and take him to the vet. So this afternoon after they prove to me he is their dog Chevy will be heading home. I got a story from the grandmother that called me, then a story from the 15 year old son who called me and two different stories from the mother who called me. This dog deserves a loving caring home and proper vetting care. Their main concern was how much it was going to cost them to get their dog back, no loving owner puts how much it costs to bring their lost pet home first, they didn't even ask how he was or if he was okay. I know in the rescue world we see things on a daily basis that we can not control and we can only save so many, but it breaks my heart to know that he was safe and now has to be taken back to his owners.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Abandoned dog.

Today there was a posting on facebook that a women saw a person opening their car door, letting a small white dog out of the car and driving away. So me being the way I am got into my car and drove the 20 min drive to Petrolia to find this little guy. Took me almost two hours but I found him. He had gone back to his home. He had no collar, was hot, there was no food, no water, no fenced in yard, and no shelter from the heat. He was just in the drive way scared and hot. I brought him into my car and took him home. I talked to the neighbors and left my name and number. From what the neighbor had said to me was that the dog got out this morning the owner called it a few times it never came back and she left. The small white dog is skinny, and scared. He is extremely timid around men. I took him to my vet to check and see if had been micro chipped and he is not. The vet tech said his front left leg has an injury that was not taken care of that is why he favors it and why it is turned out to the side, it looks very painful.  I don't understand how a person could do that to an animal. As per Ontario's Law the dog has to be kept for 72 hours before he can be placed up for adoption. Right now he is in a foster home with two little doggy friends and is loving playing with them. I would have kept him here with me but he kept snapping and growling at Jake and I didn't want to risk Jake hurting him my accident. Him and Ace got along just fine lol.

If the owner(s) comes forward to claim him, the owners information will be given to the OSPCA and Sarnia police so it can be investigated.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Company from afar!

They arrived on Sunday night and they left on this morning. I had four kids and four adults in my home for three wonderful days. It was crazy, fun, interesting and miss it already lol. There was 3 eight year olds and 1 three year old. Three little girls and one little boy lol. They got here Sunday night late so it was hang out for a little bit and pretty much gone to bed lol. Monday we hung out, played, I made Pasta with garlic bread, salad and Strawberry short cakes for desserts. We built a need for speed lego set and just enjoyed the day. The three year old helped me make the salad and I think more lettuce went into her belly then the bowl, but they she was eating the green stuff how many kids do that lol. My dogs did awesome with the kids and Ace loved that the three old was at perfect licking height lol. Ace and Jake listened to her every command. On Tuesday we had a huge breakfast of eggs, pancakes, toast, homemade jam, bacon and sausages. Then I took the three eight year old's to an art class at Micheals and they made treasure boxes :). When we got home we had lunch and then made cupcakes. While the cupcakes cooled I took all four kids to the park to the play. The girls are not used to the heat here so we only stayed for a little while, but we had lots of fun. When we got home we decorated the cupcakes lol the three year old had more icing on her face then the cupcakes, but thats okay Ace licked it off of here lol. We had BBQ'd ribs, corn on the cob and twice baked potato's for dinner and ice cream sundaes for dessert. After dinner the kids played in the kiddy pool and with the Xbox Kinetic. Everyone had lots of fun.
I left names out to keep the privacy of the family who came to visit!
Ace has been super mopy all day since they left and wont even play with Jake lol he misses "his" girls lol.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cashmere and Jay finally set a date!!!

My sister and her fiance have been engaged since Christmas 2010. I am super excited they are getting married July 13, 2013. I get to do the food and cake for the rehearsal party as well as the bridal shower. Its gonna be awesome. She is so happy and has of course already started planning her wedding and booked the hall, which was crazy they only had two dates left for next year. People must really book ahead for the hall they want. She has her colours picked out and they are so beautiful! I need to get my passport so I can go shopping with her in the states for some of the stuff she wants you can only get there. Guess I know what I am doing tomorrow lol.

I can't wait for the big day I love weddings!!!