
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Owen Update Christmas 2011

As always he got spoiled for Christmas lol. They got to see their whole family over the holidays so Owen was a very spoiled little man lol. They have started to shop for his new big boy bed room set, I would be so nervous about putting him in a big boy bed lol. Wonderful news is that he is now toilet trained during the day and has had zero accidents, he only wears big boy underwear during the day and at night he wears a pull up. I was surprised and proud that at just two he is already potty trained! He is 100% in terrible twos mode lol he gives attitude whenever the mood takes him and is super independent and likes to do everything himself from getting dressed, to helping shovel the driveway. He has an opinion about everything and has no problem sharing and he talks constantly. He plays hockey every night before bed. I have pictures of his first time ice staking that I am going to post on here later. Super excited that in March they will be going to Disney Land for a week, I can't wait to see pictures of that. I am working on planning a visit with Owen and his adoptive family I need to drop off his Christmas gifts and I can't wait to see him and get some new pictures of him. Also can't wait to see the new house they moved into they said he needed more room lol.

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