
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Boo Bear "Bear" Our 7th Foster

Bear or who I call boo bear, is a now 9 week old lab/poodle mix. He is the biggest out of all three puppies, he has the biggest paws and is very fluffy. If he is not adopted soon he might be a failed foster. He is super independent compared to the other puppies, he would rather sleep on the floor than our bed at night, he has to be in the same room as you though. He spends most of his time sleeping under my chair. He loves to play with the big dogs and gives them huge attitude when they step on him. He loves to cuddle. Richard said we would have named him rug, as he lays with both his back feet streached out and don't move, you can poke him, pet him, or just plan bug him and his he just lays there unless of course your a big dog and you step on him lol. He knows how to sit for a cookie and we are working on out door training. He will not go down the stairs on his own no matter what you do, but he will go up them. But once you get him out there he loves to run and play for about 15 mins and then hes back at the door. He is on solid dog food and doing just fine with it, he loves to chew bones. Bear is "fat" compared to Kali's tiny stature and Shadows solid statue, but he weighs .5 less than Shadow so I think he mostly fur. He is the most laid back out of the three puppies unless he has been stepped. He has to be at your feet no matter where you are. He hates the crate, he will go in, go to sleep on the blankets or whatever, but as you as you close that door he loses it. He will bark, cry, whine for hours, and then as soon as you open the door he will lay down and go to sleep.

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