
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jake Foster Dog Number 9

Over the past 5 months we have been lucky to help save 9 dogs, that is almost two a month and January is not over yet.

Jake was picked up by animal control and brought into a vet here in town, he was going to be put down if we did not find a spot for him. At the time we didn't have any open spots at all everyone is over flowing with dogs. Michelle at MOTS was kind enough to open her doors and allow Jake to stay there until we could find him an open foster spot. It turns out he has really really bad separation anxiety and can not be left alone uncrated for long periods of time and at Michelles shop he was having to be left alone for 12 hours at night when it was closed. He destroyed her shop twice and he had to be moved. Luckily Shadow was going to his forever home the same day that Jake had to be moved, so he came home with me. He is a lovey, sweet boy I know he barks I heard him at Michelles, but he has not bark here yet. He had a great first night, aside from him and Dexter hate each other, but I am pretty sure its because Jake is newly fixed and Dexter is unaltered at the moment. We left him uncrated last night while we slept and he did just fine he is just getting used to being in a house with all the house noises and stuff going on. The TV freaked him right out lol. He hates loud noises, we are going to work on basic commands, but he knows sit and knows to come when called. He is mostly house trained lol he has not pooped in the house at all which is wonderful; however when he first got here he peed on three things, but has not peed anywhere since. He is beautiful, smart, and just all around loving. He has to be right with you at all times. Jake we think was tied to a tree most of his life ( he is only a year old) and had a bark collar on the whole time, he had a large scare (pictures later) of his neck that gets rubbed raw from the normal collar we are going to try and walk him today with a harness so his neck can better. He is about a year old, we are not %100 sure on his breed. He is most likely Rotti mix. There will be more details as I know them on his photo on facebook.

His neck wound

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