
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

Well this Christmas we did not decorate, we did not host, we did nothing around our house for Christmas. We didn't decorate because well we have 5 dogs, 3 of which where 8 weeks at the time lol could you imagine what they would do to my tree lol. We didn't host because my mother decided she wanted to host this year instead after I don't know 5 years of me hosting she decides she wants to do it, fine whatever. So we went to my moms from 1-4 and we went to Richard's parents place from 5-7 I came home to sit with the puppies and he went back to play board games which was fine with me. We got great news on Christmas eve we found out we were pregnant! As it turns out that was short lived :(. All in all it was a quite low key Christmas which in my mind was not a bad thing. With everything else going on, I was glad it was low key. There wasn't even any snow this year, and there has not been any yet, but there has been a lot of rain. I got my new camera which I am very excited about, it was from Richard and myself.

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