
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Easter was fun lol....Richards mom and dad came. My mom, Sister and her fiancee came and our roommate Len was here. I made Ham, Mashed potatoes, Pee, Glassed carrots, turnip, rolls, squash, and mom brought her awesome scalloped potatoes :) for dessert I made mini apple pies which were a hit as well as old fashion strawberry pie which well didn't last the night it was so good. From what everyone told me it was an awesome meal. We were short a few people this year and that was a bit of a bummer but we all gotta do what is important to us... As with any family gathering a few things went wrong lol. My stove died just as I was finishing boiling the potatoes it was a good thing everything was done cooking; however it still sucked lol I was without a stove for 2 days :S.. The next thing that happened was the tree guys decided that it would be a good time to come and start the cutting down of our tree so we had to close all the kitchen and dinning room windows :s it was hot and stuffy to say the least. Ace was wonderful he greeted everyone as they came in. When we sat down to have our dinner he went to sleep under the table. He was very well behaved I an very proud of him. Even with the couple bumps in the day it was a great day and everyone enjoyed the meal! Next up thanksgiving lol

Old fashion strawberry pie!

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