
Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Card from Owen and family!

Yesterday I got an Easter card in the mail from Owen and his adoptive family. He just had his first real hair cut and at his last doctors apt. he weighted 27 LBS and was 32.5 Inches tall. He has huge feet lol he is wearing size 6.5 at 18 months its crazy. He loves to read books epically if they have puppies in them. He helps to put his laundry away and with throwing out the trash and with the vacuum cleaner. He plays hockey everyday in the driveway and when he wants to go out he gets his mini stick, and ball and waits at the door even crying sometimes to get out. He is at the "mine" stage lol. Owen is very excited about Easter everytime they mention anything about Easter, or the Easter bunny he starts to hop around like an Easter bunny lol. They are going to send me pictures of his new Easter outfit soon I can't wait to see them :). Also we are planning a visit for in May I am so excited as I haven't seen him since Christmas and I miss him so much.
I will post a picture on here once I get one of him in his Easter outfit!!!!
I love getting the cards, email's and picture updates of Owen but I love seeing him more then those. Each one I keep in a special box that is just for his stuff I have everything in there including from when he was born. Gonne need a bigger box soon lol

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