
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Growing up so fast! An Owen Update

I got a new email from the adoptive parents they just got back from a week trip and are heading back out to Hawaii for 9 days! Owen will not be going on the Hawaii trip as it is a business trip for the adoptive dad. He got a mini hockey stick and is loving it he wont put it down. He loves to play hockey in the driveway with his adoptive dad and he is only 16 months lol pretty awesome. They took him to a friends hockey game and he loved watching it and playing in the locker room with the boys, the pucks and the big boy sticks. He might just be a future hockey player. There is a new baby at daycare she is 7 months old and Owen just adores her when she crys he runs over and rubs her head and gives her kisses and hugs. He calls her Bella. He is saying alot more words now which is wonderful seeing as I was really worried about him now saying as many words and I thought he should be able to say. I guess because he is so far ahead of his age group for everything else my expectations were just higher when it came to speaking as well. We are planning a visit for once my car is all fixed and I am done school. I miss him so much and I am sure he has changed and grown tons in the past few months. Its hard focusing on my studys and knowing that I haven't seen him since Christmas.

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