
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Let's go at 34

Yes, I had to google game quotes to get a title for this blog post because I have never played this game in my life.

We don't own it so the kids have never played it but they have watched gameplay videos from their favourite YouTubers.

How our days went for Fornite week

8 am breakfast, get dressed, hair put their dirty laundry downstairs.

9 am either workbooks or worksheets. I alternate each day so the kids don't get bored with doing the same thing every day.

15-minute break. On this 15 min break, I get everything ready for the next activity, put laundry in, hand wash the dishes that need to be washed.

930am Journals and a letter sheet. (These are great for H learning her letters and the other children to keep working on letter sounds.)

15-minute break outside. I empty the dishwasher, answer clients and make a snack.

10:30 am Snack

10:45 am Fortnite activity or video I fold and put away laundry if they are watching a video.

11:00 am They have free time to do whatever they would like (this amount of time depends on how long things took us.)

In this "free time" I work on client orders and make lunch

12:00 pm LUNCH

12:30 pm reading. They each get to read their book with me and do the sight word cards as well as the sight word board. (The books and the sight word changes every three days)

1:00 pm "Online learning" They each get a turn using the learning app on my phone called Khan Kids. They each have a profile and play what I consider one round. One round is playing until they get a prize.

1:30 PM They have until snack to free play. I sweep, clean up and work on client orders.

2:00 pm snack. I start dinner at this point.

15minutes outside.

Then they have until dinner to free play.

4:30 pm Dinner

5:30 pm walk dogs

6:30 pm start baths. When I start baths I get out the painting I have been working on and work on it while each child gets to play in the tub for 10mins.

7:15 pm snack, stories, teeth and bed.

At about 8:45 pm everyone is asleep, which means I get to work on client orders, cleaning, folding laundry and getting everything ready for the next day's schooling.

Here are links to the videos and activities that we did.




I loved these as a kid and still do as an adult. Mystery pictures! 

 Colouring page  

 Now I printed this from google and you couldn't read the writing but it worked for what we needed it for and the kids had fun making their own video game and telling me about it.  

Tuesday, March 9, 2021



Like with any career raising children is one that consists of love, passion, frustration and pride.

We are raising small humans that are going to grow into what we hope are not going to be assholes.

I am not going to tell you it's the hardest career on earth, I will tell you though like any career there are ups and downs. I compare it to any career where you trying very hard to discover or develop something where you have roadblocks and bumps along the way and most of the time like astrophysics unless it's another astrophysicist, no one listens to you or even understands.

Just over a year ago I gained 3 more children making my house the loudest on the block.

We parent our children to learn by doing, by discovering what each of them can do by well, doing it!

Take our backyard for example. We have this amazing playset that I would have traded my sister for as a child. It has a slide and monkey bars and swings.  Do you think they play on it in any kind of what as a parent we would consider "safe"? NOPE!

They create "parkour", what is that you ask? Well, it's creating an obstacle course and jumping, climbing, running and leaping from one object to another. Lamens terms? Doing something that will give your mom a heart attack.

I have learned that similar to when launching your aircraft for the first time you just turn your back and hope that no one dies lol. Yes, I am only half-joking. We allow the children to do things "most" parents wouldn't because we want them to test their limits, to see how far they can push things and really what they are capable of.

If you never allow a child to make decisions (real ones), test their limits (yes even ones that will cause bumps and bruises) they will never grow into adults who will push the limits.

I dont mean breaking the law or hurting others, I mean pushing the limits and creating new ones.

Did you know that to some my children might look like they are doing "dangerous" climbing and jumping but what they are actually doing is physical education, coronation and spatial awareness, creativity, and pushing themselves mentally and physically.

Now, here's the catch I can't watch lol. My poor heart just can't take it.

Anyone else have children who are "active"?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Either you die a hero.....

 Or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


 Unicorns and mermaids were a walk in the park compared to;
Halo! Yes, the video game. Blaine loves it (no he doesn't play online).

I figured since there are many educational activities around other video games likes pokemon and fornite that it would be easy to find things. Not so much!

How our days went for Halo week

8 am breakfast, get dressed, hair put their dirty laundry downstairs.

9 am either workbooks or worksheets. I alternate each day so the kids don't get bored with doing the same thing every day.

15-minute break. On this 15 min break, I get everything ready for the next activity, put laundry in, hand wash the dishes that need to be washed.

930am Journals and a letter sheet. (These are great for H learning her letters and the other children to keep working on letter sounds.)

15-minute break outside. I empty the dishwasher, answer clients and make snack.

10:30 am Snack

10:45 am Halo activity or video I fold and put away laundry while they are watching a video.

11:00 am They have free time to do whatever they would like (this amount of time depends on how long things took us.)

In this "free time" I work on client orders and make lunch

12:00 pm LUNCH

12:30 pm reading. They each get to read their book with me and do the sight word cards as well as the sight word board. (The books and the sight word changes every three days)

1:00 pm "Online learning" They each get a turn using the learning app on my phone called Khan Kids. They each have a profile and play what I consider one round. One round is playing until they get a prize.

1:30 PM They have until snack to free play. I sweep, clean up and work on client orders.

2:00 pm snack. I start dinner at this point.

15minutes outside.

Then they have until dinner to free play.

4:30 pm Dinner

5:30 pm walk dogs

6:30 pm start baths. When I start baths I get out the painting I have been working on and work on it while each child gets to play in the tub for 10mins.

7:15 pm snack, stories, teeth and bed.

At about 8:45 pm everyone is asleep, which means I get to work on client orders, cleaning, folding laundry and getting everything ready for the next day's schooling.

Here are links to the videos and activities that we did.

Colouring page 


Videos we watched:

Video 1

Video 2

I "borrowed" this image from here. Because I am the horrible mom that forgot to take pictures of their Halo activities that week. OOPS

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March 2021 personal challenge

 This challenge I wanted to start in Jan, but with it being halfway through the month when I decided what personal challenge I wanted actually to it wasn't a good idea to start it then. With February as a short month it doesn't give much time to get all the savings in I would like to.

That makes March a great time to start it!

The image for this one is a bit confusing as it says days at the top but weeks in the column. I will be doing it as a 30-day daily challenge.

I set up a second account attached to my normal bank account that I can transfer the money into. That way I can't touch it on a day to day basis.

Yes, I know it is horrible that I can't just leave money in my account and not touch it. I can if I know it is for something like bills or other important things but I tend to spend way too much on the kids when it is just sitting there.

I know some days I will not be able to afford to put that amount into the second account because we don't have it especially around mortgage and insurance time of the month. They come out at the same time and it leaves very little wiggle room for anything but the basics.

Even when that happens I can still move a few dollars into the second account so, please don't feel like these numbers are etched in stone. Change the amount you put away or the dates when you put it away. Do whatever works best for you and your family!

What am I saving for? I am saving to pay off the debt that we have been working on paying off. I am saving for investments. I am saving so I don't have to worry as much when something happens that is out of our control such as a broken car or house.

What would you be saving for?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Magical Sea creatures

 A magical underwater sea creature that is not only beautiful but with the voice of an angel. Do you know what it is? If you guessed Manatee you would be right. I had no idea that the myth of these creatures all started with men at sea spotting manatees sunbathing on rocks.

I mean we all have our taste in partners but it was an oh boy moment for sure when I heard that on the video about the myth of mermaids that I watched with the children.

We did a few videos and activities including felt board songs for this week. Have I mentioned my love for making felt board activities for the kids? No that wasn't said in a sarcastic tone, I do!

How our days went with the mermaid unit.

8 am breakfast, get dressed, hair put their dirty laundry downstairs.

9 am either workbooks or worksheets. I alternate each day so the kids don't get bored with doing the same thing every day.

15-minute break. On this 15 min break, I get everything ready for the next activity, put laundry in, hand wash the dishes that need to be washed.

930am Journals and a letter book. (This is the last week for letter books and we will be moving onto letter sheets. These are good for H to learn her letters and the rest to practice the letter sounds)

15-minute break outside. I empty the dishwasher and answer clients.

10:30 am Snack

10:45 am Mermaid activity or video I fold and put away laundry while they are watching a video.

11:00 am They have free time to do whatever they would like (this amount of time depends on how long things took us.)

In this "free time" I work on client orders and make lunch

12:00 pm LUNCH

12:30 pm reading. They each get to read their book with me and do the sight word cards as well as the sight word board. (The books and the sight word changes every three days)

1:00 pm "Online learning" They each get a turn using the learning app on my phone called Khan Kids. They each have a profile and play what I consider one round. One round is playing until they get a prize.

1:30 PM They have until snack to free play. I sweep, clean up and work on client orders.

2:00 pm snack. I start dinner at this point.

15minutes outside.

Then they have until dinner to free play.

4:30 pm Dinner

5:30 pm walk dogs

This week we are slowly transiting them to a slightly later bedtime (about 30 minutes) to help when the time charge starts.

6:30 pm start baths. When I start baths I get out the painting I have been working on and work on it while each child gets to play in the tub for 10mins.

7:15 pm snack, stories, teeth and bed.

At about 8:45 pm everyone is asleep, which means I get to work on client orders, cleaning, folding laundry and getting everything ready for the next day's schooling.

Here are links to the videos and activities that we did.

Build a mermaid

Mermaid colouring sheets

Mermaid felt board designs

Songs used for the Mermaid felt board:

Song 1

I changed the words to be Mermaid instead of Fish

Song 2

I changed the animals in the song to match the ones I cut out



Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Do you feed your child's curiosity?