
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Either you die a hero.....

 Or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


 Unicorns and mermaids were a walk in the park compared to;
Halo! Yes, the video game. Blaine loves it (no he doesn't play online).

I figured since there are many educational activities around other video games likes pokemon and fornite that it would be easy to find things. Not so much!

How our days went for Halo week

8 am breakfast, get dressed, hair put their dirty laundry downstairs.

9 am either workbooks or worksheets. I alternate each day so the kids don't get bored with doing the same thing every day.

15-minute break. On this 15 min break, I get everything ready for the next activity, put laundry in, hand wash the dishes that need to be washed.

930am Journals and a letter sheet. (These are great for H learning her letters and the other children to keep working on letter sounds.)

15-minute break outside. I empty the dishwasher, answer clients and make snack.

10:30 am Snack

10:45 am Halo activity or video I fold and put away laundry while they are watching a video.

11:00 am They have free time to do whatever they would like (this amount of time depends on how long things took us.)

In this "free time" I work on client orders and make lunch

12:00 pm LUNCH

12:30 pm reading. They each get to read their book with me and do the sight word cards as well as the sight word board. (The books and the sight word changes every three days)

1:00 pm "Online learning" They each get a turn using the learning app on my phone called Khan Kids. They each have a profile and play what I consider one round. One round is playing until they get a prize.

1:30 PM They have until snack to free play. I sweep, clean up and work on client orders.

2:00 pm snack. I start dinner at this point.

15minutes outside.

Then they have until dinner to free play.

4:30 pm Dinner

5:30 pm walk dogs

6:30 pm start baths. When I start baths I get out the painting I have been working on and work on it while each child gets to play in the tub for 10mins.

7:15 pm snack, stories, teeth and bed.

At about 8:45 pm everyone is asleep, which means I get to work on client orders, cleaning, folding laundry and getting everything ready for the next day's schooling.

Here are links to the videos and activities that we did.

Colouring page 


Videos we watched:

Video 1

Video 2

I "borrowed" this image from here. Because I am the horrible mom that forgot to take pictures of their Halo activities that week. OOPS

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