
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Chocolate covered strawberry brownies

YUM is one word for it. Easy is another.

I found a bunch of pinterest recipes I wanted to try with the strawberries I got on the farm that were different than my normal go to recipes.

This one was the first one I tried and its quick, simple, the kids and men loved it. I didn't like it.

Here is the link to the full recipe!

What you need:

2 12oz bags of chocolate chips (I only used 1 bag)
1 box of brownie mix (this might be why I didn't like them, I like my homemade mix better)
1 egg (or whatever the mix tells you)
1/4 cup of oil or whatever the mix tells you
1/4 cup of water or whatever the mix tells you
1/3 cup milk (I don't measure this I just use a bit in with the chocolate to make it melt)


1) Preheat oven to 350°

2) Grease and line your pan

3) Mix your brownie batter as per the instructions on the box

4) Bake as per the instructions on the box

While the brownies bake:

5) Quarter or half your strawberries

6)  Melt your chocolate and milk together in a double broiler or heavy sauce pan on the stove.

Once brownies are baked:

7) Put strawberries on top of brownies

8) Evenly pour melted chocolate on brownies

9) Place in freezer for about 20 mins. Frozen squares are easier to cut.

10) Remove from pan and cut into equal squares


Now I am not sure why I didn't like them but the kids loved them and so did the men. It made enough for dessert last night and some to freeze for later.

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