
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Real talk "Dry Drowning"

All kids swallow a bit of water while swimming it happens!!

A few years back I read a post and it scared the shit out of me, so much so that I would stay awake all night to check Blaines breathing after playing in the pool.

Fast forward to his year, he is far more into loving water and pools and slides and everything that comes along with it, including swallowing and coughing up water when he gets splashed in the face or does something silly.

Yesterday we were at the pool and through out the day as kids will he would cough or spit out water, I didn't even think about it really. As we were getting ready to leave he really wanted to do the big slide, I told him a million times he was not ready for the slide because it is a big splash and he will go under, well he does it anyway and of course he goes under and was fine not even coughing up water. I said see your not big enough, of course once the initial shock wears off he says Mom that was super exciting I want to do it again.

I swear to god he is trying to kill me.

Well we get home and hes tried and hot and of course, mom brain goes into panic mode. "OMG HE SWALLOWED WATER HE IS GOING TO DRY DROWN" So I decide instead of rushing him to the ER for being tired and hot I would google the symptoms of "dry drowning". 

LADIES AND GENTS SIT DOWN FOR THIS ONE!! Its not a real thing, yes I read 4 articles by 4 different doctors talking about it.

"Dry drowning came about from someone who poorly researched and wrote a paper"

 Now lets talk about what you should 100% take your child to the doctor for if your concerned about drowning, Vomiting, fever, coughing (more then they would for swallowing water the wrong at the dinner table), All day coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing, turning blue etc.

There is no reason to loose sleep because you are scared they might die in their sleep from swallowing water at the pool or beach, there is no reason to panic and run them to the ER because they are tired and hot and swallowed water at the pool.

You will NOT miss the serious symptoms that need the ER doctor to save their life.

Let them play, let them love water, let them learn water safety!

Drowning is a real risk not just for small children but adults too, safety around water should be taught at all ages! Swim lesson and close super vision of children is beyond import.

But don't let fear of swallowing water stop them from enjoying life!

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