
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Greenview Aviaries: Homeschool trip

This is the last homeschool trip for the year with the home school group. We home school year round because every moment is a learning experience and how hard is it to do a page in a workbook each day in the summer.

Greenview Aviaries and zoo has a few playgrounds, a splash pad, picnic areas, food and animals. I was concerned that it wouldn't be something that I was comfortable with doing as I am an animal activist.

We spent most of the day playing on the equipment, in the splash pad and with the other kids. We did the animals for about 30 mins out of the whole day. They seemed well cared for, yes the pens are what I would consider small for a wild animal but they are clean, the animals show no fear of people at all and love to pet and attention.

neck scratching!

Personally we spent so little time with the animals we could have gone to a park with a splash pad/zipline and playgrounds and the kids would have been happy.

We got to fed the animals and they were all gentle and kind. I feel the pens should be larger for some of the animals but I also feel that about our own animal farm and they are well taken care of in both places. They all had food, fresh water, shade and places to hide from the people when they wanted too.

Will I go again? I am not sure, I might try to find somewhere that offers the same type of play without animals.

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