
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tobogganing Sarnia 2014

With our main park with all the hills blocked off because of asbestos found in the soil I wasn't sure how I was going to take the kids out tobogganing this winter.

Last year they blocked off one of our main parks where they hold 90% of city events. The park used to be used for an old dump many many years ago back when asbestos use was common, way before they knew the health risks.

Now its completely unusable until they can figure out what to do with it. I am hoping that they come with a way to clean out the park so we can all enjoy it again.

Anyway we found one I had never been to before and its a HUGE hill, there is only one so it can get crowded but its better than nothing. Its located in the NCO area. The kids had a blast, I stayed at the bottom of the hill there is no way I could go up and down it a million times like them. We stay for about an hour each time and then go get hot chocolate and cookie from Tim Hortons. The kids would stay all day if it was up to them.

They happened to find an ice spot on the hill that makes them go SUPER FAST!!!

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