
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Owen Update May 2014

I am about a million years behind in my blogging so I am going to start catching with a fan favourite and that is an Owen update!!!!!

Owen is doing amazing, according to his teacher, if you remember he is in Kindergarten not JK, as his testing last summer showed his skills are greatly above average, well his teacher says he is a pleasure to have in class, his listening skills could be a bit better but that's a man thing right? His social skills are that of a grade 2 student. He loves school and is a huge sport nut.

They had an amazing winter, he took skiing lessons and loved the black diamond run that he went down with his instructor, multiple times, what a dare devil of a kid. They went on a Disney cruise which he loved!!! He even picked up a couple of older girls at the pool.

His swimming is going great!! He can swim 6 lengths of a 25ft pool, I couldn't even do one :), he is a water bug to say the least.

This summer is going to a be busy summer for him, he is going to put swimming on hold until the fall, he is signed up for soccer, four summer camps, two that are science and two that are sports. He is a complete sports nut.

The hardest thing I had to do was tell his adoptive parents I was pregnant! They are very happy for me for but the guilt is still there.

Owen decided when they went to the cottage for the first time of the season to do clean up that he needed to do his first ever polar dip lol. Crazy kid!!!!

I am very blessed to have chosen such an amazing adoptive family.

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