
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kali has been adopted!

Little miss Kali-cat has moved into her new home with her new mom, dad and big sister Teddy (a schnoodle). I was sad to see her go, I fell in love with that little girl! She new family were in love with her the moment they saw her. She whined when I walked away from here and didn't want to go with them. She slept all the way on her new moms lap and once she got to her new home she followed her mom and sister around all afternoon. I am glad she went to the home she did I was worried because I let Kali sleep in my bed and I didn't want her to be crated. The new family hates crates and Kali will be sleeping with her new family in their BED!!!!

They said that if I wanted to see her they had Skype and I could see her any time I wanted. I can't wait for pictures of her when shes older.

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