
Friday, February 10, 2012

I am a "bad" doggy foster home

 I am a "bad" dog foster home as I was told.

Most foster dogs that come to into my home or into rescue care have been beaten, starved, abandoned by owners who decided they got to big, were too much work, didn't have time for them or were moving, left for dead, used as bait dogs, used as fight dogs, shot at, burned, stabbed, forgotten, unwanted, alone, and scared.

I teach my foster "babies" what cheese and peanut butter are, how to play, how to be a dog, that there will always be food for them, what a treat is, basic tricks, manners etc. That not all car rides are bad, I let them sleep on my bed at  night, yes at the moment all five of them. I let them sleep on the couch, even with me on it. I bath them and love them and show them that all humans are not bad, I teach them how to trust humans and other animals again. I teach them not to fear everything, and in some cases for some of them that coming into the house is okay. Yes they sometimes jump on people, poop and pee on the floor, eat my furniture, destroy my carpet, bite, growl, fight with me and each other, but I do not give up on them.

Yes there is mud from one end of house to the other, yes they are noisy and smell and make a huge mess, and no you can't take your shoes off in my house, but if isn't wasn't for me and the countless others opening our homes and hearts to these dogs then who knows where they might have ended up.
Oh wait I do, Killed by heart sticking, gas chambers, or just left alone to die.

Every night when I go to bed I have five dogs cuddling with me, I get kisses and love all day, everyday, they love to play and learn. Each dog is unique and different, each dogs comes with its own issues, and quirks. I work on those everyday with each one. They show unconditional love, even after what they have been through, some take a little longer to come around, but they all do.

I wouldn't trade what I do for a clean house, the ability to have company over at the drop of a hat, a back yard that is not a mud pit lol, or even a full nights sleep. It's too important, there are too many that need our help.

So I got told I was a bad foster home because I allow the dogs to sleep with me, I give them cheese and other treats, I let them have free run of the house, and well my floors are covered in mud (and I am sure there's a little bit of dog poop mixed in with the mud). I think all of those reasons that they said I was a bad foster mom is the reasons I am a good one!

Until you open your home and foster a dog you have no idea what true unconditional love can be like. (Nor do you have a right to tell me I am a bad foster home)

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