
Friday, June 17, 2011

Paid for blogging?

I have decided out of curiosity more than anything else to see about paid blogging and what it’s all about. I like the idea of reviewing products, websites etc and writing about them. I think it will add to my blog rather than take anything away from it. In my quest to find out about paid blogging I found this web site: I submitted my blog for review and approval. I know that I don’t have a lot of followers (2 at the moment); however, there are a lot of people who visit and read my blog. I also think that if I can review something before my friends and family give it a go it will save them time, energy and maybe even some money along the way. My blog is nothing fancy just mainly a place for me to vent, keep track of crochet patterns and voice my opinions about all kinds of things. I still think it would be fun to give it a try, if I get approved or not I will let all my wonderful blog readers know! 

Oh and if anyone out there has tired it before let me know good or bad how it went for you!

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