
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not a "Real" job

So this morning someone said to me that what I do isnt a real job, that I do not have any children (at home) so I should go find a "real" job. I was a bit upset when she said this to me, I was insulted and shocked that someone (who is now not on my facebook) that I considered a friend would say that. No I do not have any children at home, Yes I just finished and passed my first year of college completing both terms on the deans honor role by the way, No I do not work outside that home and Yes I am off school until Sept. Well I wanted to vent and rant even though the chances of them ever seeing this are slim to none still wanted to get it out. I work very hard everyday and yes I don't have children at home but I am still a very busy person. Heres my day in a nut shell of course is changes day to day but this is a basic day for me:
6:00AM: Get up drive Richard to work
7:30AM take Ace for his morning walk
8:00AM have a tea and sometimes eat something, Feed the cats, Dog, and Ferret work on some of my computer company stuff
8:30AM Head to Digital Friends Inc (My mother and her business partners business I love to help out there and it gets me out of the house)
12:00PM come home feed the dog have some lunch myself and work on some of my computer company stuff
1:00PM bake and Start doing housework (you would think that not having children in the house it wouldn't be so bad that is a LIE)
3:00PM (and yes it takes me at least 2 hours to do my house work) start dinner
4:00PM Do as much running around as I can get done before I have to leave to pick Richard up at 6:00PM
6:20PM serve Dinner and dessert to Richard, Len, Myself and Feed the dog his dinner
7:00PM Clean up from dinner and Make both Richard and Lens lunch
7:30PM Now here is where is where big changes happen from day to day if I have computers/laptops to fix for clients I do that, Sometimes if Richards up to it we do yard work and sometimes we watch a movie and I crochet for the homeless until. And what often happens is all of it at once :S
10:00PM I start to get Richard, Myself and The Dog ready for bed and yes I say Richard in there because as it turns out men have very little sense of time and I dont sleep well at night so I need to be in bed by 11:00PM
11:00PM Try and be in bed
2:00AM after being up about ten times because my one cat (Twister) is positive the only place on the bed that he can sleep in above my head The Dog now has to pee
5:00AM (If I am really lucky) The dog will need out again or him and the cat are fighting
6:00AM We start all over again
Now this is not just 5 days a week this is 7 Days a week and I know everyone leads busy lives and I am in now way saying mine is busier then anyone elses I am just ranting that I do more then sit on my butt everyday I work just as hard as someone who goes to a job everyday. Yes mine pays far less then min. Wage but does this mean its far less important?

I think most stay at home parents, wives etc work hard!


  1. I can vouch for this as I ahve seen (most of) it first hand. Crystal you are deffinetly one very busy little lady. Tis a shame some would feel the need to disrespect you.
