
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dan's Birthday Cake!

I was so excited when I was asked to do Dan's birthday cake. I was asked to do a camping theme which meant I got to play with fondant and create all sorts of neat little things. I had so much fun making this cake and I feel it is my best cake so far. For my first time this cake was half chocolate and half vanilla and I was so nervous about it because when I bought Jame's birthday cake a few years cake I got it half and half and it split down the middle. I didn't want this to happen to mine. This cake took me a total of three days and about 10-15 hours give or take of working time. I used fondant to cover the cake as well as for the creatures on the cake. Everything on this cake was 100% edible. I used vanilla icing to adhere the fondant to the cake! This cake was in no way perfect however its as close as I have gotten so far. There was a slight tear in the fondant on the back of the cake.
Everyone loved the cake I even got asked to make one for another friends birthday. It is a surprise so I am not going to say for who or what of.
I loved the look on everyone's face when they found out the tent was graham cracker lol. They had as much fun eating it as I did making it :)
Can't wait to start the next one!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Basic Puppy Training (Ace)

I noticed as I was looking through my blog today that I never did write about Ace’s puppy training at Pet Smart (Sarnia Ontario Location). I am not sure why I never did this as it was a very enjoyable experience. It is a four week course once a week for 1 hour, Nicole was out trainer and she is just wonderful and really knows her stuff. I surprised at how well Ace took to it. He seemed to enjoy every moment of it. I found that he knew the difference between us just going to the store and going to the store to do the training. Once we walked in the training room door he got his game face on until it was play time. Ours was on Thursday nights from 6pm to 7pm each week we would show off what we worked on with our dog all week and then learn something new. Things that we learnt were: Sit, Down, Off, Leave It, Wait, Stay, Come, Drop it, and Leash techniques. Ace did very well in the course there were many weeks that he was her show dog. He picked up on everything very quickly of course with him still being a puppy there is lots we need to work on. He has the sit down to an art, Down we are working on he will down with the hand signal but not just the command, Off well he gets it and does well with it when it’s good for him lol, Leave It this is my favorite and Ace understands this one well I am glad this teach this it has saved Ace’s life as well as kept his staples from getting infected after being fixed. Saving his life: a bag of chocolate was dropped all over the floor as I said was “Leave it” and he didn’t touch it at all, his incision I was told not to allow him to lick it because it could become infected, or he could pull the staples out well the first day home I told him to leave it and he didn’t touch it for the week that the staples were in. Wait this is another one I love it keeps him from pulling me down the stairs he waits at the top until I say “Okay”, it also keeps him in the car until I get out and can get ahold of his leash. Stay this one he is good with kind of lol he stays when we are in the house working on it however outside not so much maybe one day we will get there. Come he is awesome with this one most of the time. Once in a while he takes off on me to visit the neighbor and well come don’t work but that’s another one we are working on. Drop it this one he was great with it at training he was the only one who got it right away and when I say right away I mean he got it with in the first two tries. He is getting better with it but we are still working it. Leash techniques there was some great ones just none of which worked on Ace lol I am not sure if it was his breed or just his personality but he will just wait me out lol. Another thing that she told us about there was umbilical cord training which I do with Ace not all the time but when I find he is starting to act up we start doing the training again for about a week and then things go back to him being a well behaved dog for the most part. What umbilical cord training is that you tie the dog around your waist and he/she must go and do whatever it is your doing. When I do it with Ace I do it for about 1 hour inside the house and 1 hour outside. At training there were 3 other dogs Zora she is a very smart lab who Ace became best friends with, Miller he is a cookapoo thing very cute and very sweet Zora was sure he was a toy and last but not least was Logan he was a very shy very scared little Boston terrier at the start of the four weeks he wouldn’t go near another dog lol at the end of the four weeks he would walk up and kiss Ace. It was a wonderful experience and I can’t wait to start Advanced training there this week coming.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Paid for blogging?

I have decided out of curiosity more than anything else to see about paid blogging and what it’s all about. I like the idea of reviewing products, websites etc and writing about them. I think it will add to my blog rather than take anything away from it. In my quest to find out about paid blogging I found this web site: I submitted my blog for review and approval. I know that I don’t have a lot of followers (2 at the moment); however, there are a lot of people who visit and read my blog. I also think that if I can review something before my friends and family give it a go it will save them time, energy and maybe even some money along the way. My blog is nothing fancy just mainly a place for me to vent, keep track of crochet patterns and voice my opinions about all kinds of things. I still think it would be fun to give it a try, if I get approved or not I will let all my wonderful blog readers know! 

Oh and if anyone out there has tired it before let me know good or bad how it went for you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not a "Real" job

So this morning someone said to me that what I do isnt a real job, that I do not have any children (at home) so I should go find a "real" job. I was a bit upset when she said this to me, I was insulted and shocked that someone (who is now not on my facebook) that I considered a friend would say that. No I do not have any children at home, Yes I just finished and passed my first year of college completing both terms on the deans honor role by the way, No I do not work outside that home and Yes I am off school until Sept. Well I wanted to vent and rant even though the chances of them ever seeing this are slim to none still wanted to get it out. I work very hard everyday and yes I don't have children at home but I am still a very busy person. Heres my day in a nut shell of course is changes day to day but this is a basic day for me:
6:00AM: Get up drive Richard to work
7:30AM take Ace for his morning walk
8:00AM have a tea and sometimes eat something, Feed the cats, Dog, and Ferret work on some of my computer company stuff
8:30AM Head to Digital Friends Inc (My mother and her business partners business I love to help out there and it gets me out of the house)
12:00PM come home feed the dog have some lunch myself and work on some of my computer company stuff
1:00PM bake and Start doing housework (you would think that not having children in the house it wouldn't be so bad that is a LIE)
3:00PM (and yes it takes me at least 2 hours to do my house work) start dinner
4:00PM Do as much running around as I can get done before I have to leave to pick Richard up at 6:00PM
6:20PM serve Dinner and dessert to Richard, Len, Myself and Feed the dog his dinner
7:00PM Clean up from dinner and Make both Richard and Lens lunch
7:30PM Now here is where is where big changes happen from day to day if I have computers/laptops to fix for clients I do that, Sometimes if Richards up to it we do yard work and sometimes we watch a movie and I crochet for the homeless until. And what often happens is all of it at once :S
10:00PM I start to get Richard, Myself and The Dog ready for bed and yes I say Richard in there because as it turns out men have very little sense of time and I dont sleep well at night so I need to be in bed by 11:00PM
11:00PM Try and be in bed
2:00AM after being up about ten times because my one cat (Twister) is positive the only place on the bed that he can sleep in above my head The Dog now has to pee
5:00AM (If I am really lucky) The dog will need out again or him and the cat are fighting
6:00AM We start all over again
Now this is not just 5 days a week this is 7 Days a week and I know everyone leads busy lives and I am in now way saying mine is busier then anyone elses I am just ranting that I do more then sit on my butt everyday I work just as hard as someone who goes to a job everyday. Yes mine pays far less then min. Wage but does this mean its far less important?

I think most stay at home parents, wives etc work hard!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update on custom order

Well I finished that beautiful crib blanket as requested and she never came to pick it up, or returned my calls, or my emails. I was bummed to say the least. Well I guess that is the kind of risks you take providing your services online. Just another item to add to the millions of finished projects I have in totes in the basement! I love to create these items I just have no idea what I am going to do with them all as they wont sell :( and I seem to be able to create it faster than I can give it away lol. Well if it ever comes that the world hits global warming and we are the part of the world that goes into deep freeze I will be able to keep alot of people warm lol

June 2011 Crochet for the Needy

So this month I finally made some pink baby hats I am not sure why I always make blue ones maybe its a subconscious thing might go along with everytime I go into a store that sells baby clothes I have to go look at them even though I know Owen is way to big for them now :S Anyway as always I did 4 adult hats, 4 adult scarves and 4 baby hats. This time the adult hats and scarves match in colour :) I used the same patterns as I always as they are quick and easy for the amount of out put I do each month!

  now I can start work on the requests for a baby hammock and a bunting bag!