
Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Card from Owen and family!

Yesterday I got an Easter card in the mail from Owen and his adoptive family. He just had his first real hair cut and at his last doctors apt. he weighted 27 LBS and was 32.5 Inches tall. He has huge feet lol he is wearing size 6.5 at 18 months its crazy. He loves to read books epically if they have puppies in them. He helps to put his laundry away and with throwing out the trash and with the vacuum cleaner. He plays hockey everyday in the driveway and when he wants to go out he gets his mini stick, and ball and waits at the door even crying sometimes to get out. He is at the "mine" stage lol. Owen is very excited about Easter everytime they mention anything about Easter, or the Easter bunny he starts to hop around like an Easter bunny lol. They are going to send me pictures of his new Easter outfit soon I can't wait to see them :). Also we are planning a visit for in May I am so excited as I haven't seen him since Christmas and I miss him so much.
I will post a picture on here once I get one of him in his Easter outfit!!!!
I love getting the cards, email's and picture updates of Owen but I love seeing him more then those. Each one I keep in a special box that is just for his stuff I have everything in there including from when he was born. Gonne need a bigger box soon lol

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rowens 4th Birthday Cake

As they say practice makes perfect and I feel this cake turned out awesome lol. It was for my very good friend Kristals Daughter Rowen 4th birthday it was a garden themed party. I got the cake kinda out of a Wilton book; however in the end I went in my own direction with it and it looked nothing like the one in the book not even the same shape lol. So far this cake is my best cake and everytime I make one I enjoy trying and learning new things like this time i learned how to make roses and lillies it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to make my next cake which is going to be the mothers day cake for the mothers day brunch! There is real cake inside the flower pot, cookie crumbs on the top and a wire flower stems and flower tape holding the lillies and roses up!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Growing up so fast! An Owen Update

I got a new email from the adoptive parents they just got back from a week trip and are heading back out to Hawaii for 9 days! Owen will not be going on the Hawaii trip as it is a business trip for the adoptive dad. He got a mini hockey stick and is loving it he wont put it down. He loves to play hockey in the driveway with his adoptive dad and he is only 16 months lol pretty awesome. They took him to a friends hockey game and he loved watching it and playing in the locker room with the boys, the pucks and the big boy sticks. He might just be a future hockey player. There is a new baby at daycare she is 7 months old and Owen just adores her when she crys he runs over and rubs her head and gives her kisses and hugs. He calls her Bella. He is saying alot more words now which is wonderful seeing as I was really worried about him now saying as many words and I thought he should be able to say. I guess because he is so far ahead of his age group for everything else my expectations were just higher when it came to speaking as well. We are planning a visit for once my car is all fixed and I am done school. I miss him so much and I am sure he has changed and grown tons in the past few months. Its hard focusing on my studys and knowing that I haven't seen him since Christmas.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First tiered cake

I made my first tiered cake tonight took me 5.5 hours to complete. I still need to work on putting the fondant onto the cakes without lumps but I am getting better and better with each cake. This cake was made just for practice. I am very excited about how well I am going and how each cake turns out better than the last!

All of the flowers are editable, the butterflies are not! This cake is practice for making a cake I am hoping to make for a little girls garden party!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

closure and moving on!

When my Grandma passed away 4 years ago I was a mess. She was the women who hand a large hand in raising me. I lived with her on and off for most of life. I used to miss her so much I would pretend that she really wasn't gone, but now I only really miss her when someone happens in my life and I have this huge urge to call her and tell her all about it, I miss her hugs and the calming effect in them. I inherited all of her craft stuff and yarn. I use the yarn all the time; however the craft stuff I don't know even know what all I have. I haven't been able to sort it, to even get rid of the things that are no good. All of the items just keep getting moved from room to room to room and nothing ever happens to them. I couldn't get rid of any of the items because that would mean sorting through the items and that means I would have to admit that she really is gone. We have decided to start renoing the basement in the next couple of weeks, and having to move this stuff all over the house just isn't going to work anymore. I loved/love my grandmother but keeping all this stuff doesn't mean anything to her anymore its not protecting her or her memory. Last night I started the long process of going through all the stuff I found 30+ zippers I have never used zippers before lol and a teddy bear leg no other parts just the leg. I am giving away the craft stuff that is useful to anyone who needs or wants it. I am throwing out the trash which is a hard thing for me to do. I am keeping the stuff I use like all my painting stuff, all my yarn and crochet stuff. Its not an easy task emotional but I am keeping this stuff for all the wrong reasons!!!