
Monday, September 17, 2018

One week down 700 weeks to go!

Going into this nervous and not sure I can handle this. Coming out of week one I GOT THIS!!! We are going to ROCK THIS!!

Week one went well, not fully as planned but very well just the same. If it wasn't for some of the other amazing moms telling me their stories and the way they do things I wouldn't be feeling as confident as I do right now. We are going into week 2 and I am not over whelmed, scared or nervous.

I did learn a few things this week, things I already knew in the back of my mind but were brought to light this week. We have to do our seat work FAST! move from one task to another very quickly and put fun things in between. Our seat work lasts about 20 mins in the morning depending on how long he wants to do the fun activities for. The longer he wants to do them the longer we do school. For anyone who was worried for social, well it never ends there is ALWAYS something social to do.

In just two days he was tracing the things on the page better than he has in a year, he knows the sight word I, we did colour mixing science and that didn't work out as well (we are going to try it again this week a different way).

Monday we baked muffins at home instead of going to cooking class because I was sick. He did pretty much everything himself I just assisted and did the oven. He even "licked" a muffin to give it a try, lol better than nothing.

Tuesday I still wasn't the greatest so we did our science at home. Tuesday night I had moms home school group.

Wednesday We went all the way to forest for kids discovery just to learn it had been canceled and no one called me.

Thursday we went to library and shopping. 

Friday we had forest school and did the mom chat and play at the park/animal farm. Friday we didn't do any seat work as it was a very very busy day.

So for week 1 we are off to a great start and pretty much everything has gone to almost plan.

How was your first week back to school? Home school or traditional? Did everything go well? Bumps in the road?

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