
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Household Chore List

There are 3 adults, 1 toddler and 2 dogs living in my home at the moment. I am complaining that I am the only one who does anything around here. Richard say's I don't tell Len what needs to be done and they both seem to be what is considered the typical male who can't see a mess when it needs to be cleaned up. I tend to be a problem fixer and I found a great solution to this seemingly huge problem.

I made a reusable Chore list, I hung it where everyone can see it all through out the day and I put a marker with it. I told them both if there is not a check mark beside something then just do it. We will see how it goes, thus far I am the only one checking things off list, but I hold out hope for a bright new cleaner house with their help.


One cheap picture frame from walmart
1 Printed chore list (I did notice after I did mine that I missed under daily "dishes")
I made my chore list use power point.
1 marker, I noticed that all the markers I tried were too light other than the Sharpe black
1 Nail, hook, tac (I used a tac because that's all I could find right at that moment)

How To:

Step One:

Take the glass out of your frame

Step Two:

Put your list inside of frame

Step Three:

Put your glass back in the frame

Step Four:

Hang on the wall

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mays monthly fitness Challenge!

A while back I took up teaching cardio kickboxing and I LOVED it!!! Cardio kickboxing is such an amazing, fun way to get fit and few great, well I lost my spot where I was teaching at so I don’t teach anymore.

In the spring of last year while I was still teaching I started the personal trainer course, I completed half of it, when I was supposed to take the second half both my son and I were sick with pneumonia, I have been waiting for the course to be offered again. At this point I did it at the YMCA, but if it is not offered by the end of this summer I am just going to do it through CANFIT PRO.

I love teaching and helping others meet their goals, and see them achieve things they never thought they could!

Hitting a low this winter for me I lost my drive for many things including my physical fitness, I now am back on the road to getting back in shape not just for me but my son as well.

This month I decided my challenge would be squats! I love squats they work so many muscle groups its crazy. My goal is to be able to do 200 squats all at once by may 31st. To get to this goal this is my plan!
Day 1
5 Sumo squats
5 normal squats
5 pilo squats
5 legs together squats.

Adding 1 squat per type per day
 So it would go

Day 2
6 Sumo Squats
6 Normal Squats
6 Pilo Squats
6 Legs together squats

And so on.

Also add in there a 30 min speed walk and a round of kickboxing combos.

Here’s to getting back to where I should be!!!

Anyone who wants to join in on this challenge comment below! I would love to see your progress too!!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Changing, once again

I haven’t blogged in so long I almost forgot how!

Things have been beyond crazy busy been my very active almost 21 month old son Blaine, the cake “business”, the dogs, the house and trying to maintain somewhat of a resemblance of a life.

I am not even going to attempt to play catch up of everything that has gone on in this crazy life of mine!

Lets start with a new “about me”

I am 30 years old, yes I know the big 30 which wasn’t as bad as everyone who has turned 30 before me made it out to seem. I had an awesome birthday with at the time was my best friend and business partner. We went to Niagara Falls, it was the first time in my life I have been there. We did everything there was to do, well at least that we were interested in anyway.

I have a 20 month old son, who is soon to be 21 months. He is beyond active and love life! We choose to go with a low technology lifestyle with him. There is no TV in the living room (His main play area), only learning games on my cell phone (and he only gets it while I am driving), he loves toys, hates coming in from outside and the messier the better in his world. He loves the dogs and can say about 60 or 70 words give or take. He is beyond his age for milestones and development, which he has been since the start (proud mommy moment).

I currently have 2 dogs, both which are rescues, sadly Jakes passed away almost a year ago. Ace and Bossoco are the one we have. I am still in rescue just not with Friendly Giants and not as a foster home at the moment. Both dogs love and adore Blaine especially since he shares all food with them.

My house is in a consent state of happy chaos, although I struggle daily with the OCD need to clean everything all day and keeping up with everything else around here as well.

If my kitchen doesn’t look like a bakery blew up, my living room looks like a toddler tornado went through or my dinning room looks like a craft store invaded.

I have learned to let things stay untidy until about once a month when I can’t do it anymore and everything has to go and everything has to be cleaned!

I have decided to slightly change the direction of my blog, NOOOO its not going to become one of those “mom” blogs where all I talk about is Blaine.

I am excited to be back and I hope all of you are as well.

Now what picture to post with this blog post!!!

Random cake made by me photo it is!